dmriprep.interfaces package

Custom Nipype interfaces for dMRIPrep.

class dmriprep.interfaces.BIDSDataGrabber(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: nipype.interfaces.base.core.SimpleInterface

Optional Inputs
  • subject_data (a dictionary with keys which are a string and with values which are any value)

  • subject_id (a string)

  • bold (a list of items which are any value) – Output functional images.

  • dwi (a list of items which are any value) – Output DWI images.

  • flair (a list of items which are any value) – Output FLAIR images.

  • fmap (a list of items which are any value) – Output fieldmaps.

  • out_dict (a dictionary with keys which are any value and with values which are any value) – Output data structure.

  • roi (a list of items which are any value) – Output ROI images.

  • sbref (a list of items which are any value) – Output sbrefs.

  • t1w (a list of items which are any value) – Output T1w images.

  • t2w (a list of items which are any value) – Output T2w images.

class dmriprep.interfaces.DerivativesDataSink(allowed_entities=None, out_path_base=None, **inputs)

Bases: niworkflows.interfaces.bids.DerivativesDataSink

A patched DataSink.

Mandatory Inputs
  • in_file (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – The object to be saved.

  • source_file (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing a file) – The source file(s) to extract entities from.

Optional Inputs
  • base_directory (a directory name or an object implementing the os.PathLike interface) – Path to the base directory for storing data.

  • check_hdr (a boolean) – Fix headers of NIfTI outputs. (Nipype default value: True)

  • compress (a list of items which are a boolean or None) – Whether in_file should be compressed (True), uncompressed (False) or left unmodified (None, default). (Nipype default value: [])

  • data_dtype (a string) – NumPy datatype to coerce NIfTI data to, or source tomatch the input file dtype.

  • dismiss_entities (a list of items which are a string or None) – A list entities that will not be propagated from the source file. (Nipype default value: [])

  • meta_dict (a dictionary with keys which are a value of class ‘str’ and with values which are any value) – An input dictionary containing metadata.

  • compression (a list of items which are a boolean or None) – Whether in_file should be compressed (True), uncompressed (False) or left unmodified (None).

  • fixed_hdr (a list of items which are a boolean) – Whether derivative header was fixed.

  • out_file (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file)

  • out_meta (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file)

out_path_base = 'dmriprep'
