# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <nipreps@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# We support and encourage derived works from this project, please read
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"""Utilities to manipulate images."""
from gzip import GzipFile
import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np
def rotation2canonical(img):
"""Calculate the rotation w.r.t. cardinal axes of input image."""
img = nb.as_closest_canonical(img)
newaff = np.diag(img.header.get_zooms()[:3])
r = newaff @ np.linalg.pinv(img.affine[:3, :3])
if np.allclose(r, np.eye(3)):
return None
return r
def rotate_affine(img, rot=None):
"""Rewrite the affine of a spatial image."""
if rot is None:
return img
img = nb.as_closest_canonical(img)
affine = np.eye(4)
affine[:3] = rot @ img.affine[:3]
return img.__class__(img.dataobj, affine, img.header)
def unsafe_write_nifti_header_and_data(fname, header, data):
"""Write header and data without any consistency checks or data munging
This is almost always a bad idea, and you should not use this function
without a battery of tests for your specific use case.
If you're not using this for NIfTI files specifically, you're playing
with Fortran-ordered fire.
with open(fname, 'wb') as fobj:
# Avoid setting fname or mtime, for deterministic outputs
if str(fname).endswith('.gz'):
fobj = GzipFile('', 'wb', 9, fobj, 0.0)
# This function serializes one block at a time to reduce memory usage a bit
# It assumes Fortran-ordered data.
nb.volumeutils.array_to_file(data, fobj, offset=header.get_data_offset())
if str(fname).endswith('.gz'):
def set_consumables(header, dataobj):
header.set_slope_inter(dataobj.slope, dataobj.inter)
def _copyxform(ref_image, out_image, message=None):
# Read in reference and output
# Use mmap=False because we will be overwriting the output image
resampled = nb.load(out_image, mmap=False)
orig = nb.load(ref_image)
if not np.allclose(orig.affine, resampled.affine):
from nipype import logging
'Affines of input and reference images do not match, '
'FMRIPREP will set the reference image headers. '
'Please, check that the x-form matrices of the input dataset'
'are correct and manually verify the alignment of results.'
# Copy xform infos
qform, qform_code = orig.header.get_qform(coded=True)
sform, sform_code = orig.header.get_sform(coded=True)
header = resampled.header.copy()
header.set_qform(qform, int(qform_code))
header.set_sform(sform, int(sform_code))
header['descrip'] = 'xform matrices modified by %s.' % (message or '(unknown)')
newimg = resampled.__class__(resampled.dataobj, orig.affine, header)
def dseg_label(in_seg, label, newpath=None):
"""Extract a particular label from a discrete segmentation."""
from pathlib import Path
import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
newpath = Path(newpath or '.')
nii = nb.load(in_seg)
data = np.int16(nii.dataobj) == label
out_file = fname_presuffix(in_seg, suffix='_mask', newpath=str(newpath.absolute()))
new = nii.__class__(data, nii.affine, nii.header)
return out_file
def resample_by_spacing(in_file, zooms, order=3, clip=True, smooth=False):
"""Regrid the input image to match the new zooms."""
from pathlib import Path
import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
if isinstance(in_file, (str, Path)):
in_file = nb.load(in_file)
# Prepare output x-forms
sform, scode = in_file.get_sform(coded=True)
qform, qcode = in_file.get_qform(coded=True)
hdr = in_file.header.copy()
zooms = np.array(zooms)
# Calculate the factors to normalize voxel size to the specific zooms
pre_zooms = np.array(in_file.header.get_zooms()[:3])
# Calculate an affine aligned with cardinal axes, for simplicity
card = nb.affines.from_matvec(np.diag(pre_zooms))
extent = card[:3, :3].dot(np.array(in_file.shape[:3]))
card[:3, 3] = -0.5 * extent
# Cover the FoV with the new grid
new_size = np.ceil(extent / zooms).astype(int)
offset = (extent - np.diag(zooms).dot(new_size)) * 0.5
new_card = nb.affines.from_matvec(np.diag(zooms), card[:3, 3] + offset)
# Calculate the new indexes
new_grid = np.array(
).reshape((3, -1))
# Calculate the locations of the new samples, w.r.t. the original grid
ijk = np.linalg.inv(card).dot(
new_card.dot(np.vstack((new_grid, np.ones((1, new_grid.shape[1])))))
if smooth:
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
if smooth is True:
smooth = np.maximum(0, (pre_zooms / zooms - 1) / 2)
data = gaussian_filter(in_file.get_fdata(), smooth)
data = np.asarray(in_file.dataobj)
# Resample data in the new grid
resampled = map_coordinates(
ijk[:3, :],
if clip:
resampled = np.clip(resampled, a_min=data.min(), a_max=data.max())
# Set new zooms
# Get the original image's affine
affine = in_file.affine.copy()
# Determine rotations w.r.t. cardinal axis and eccentricity
rot = affine.dot(np.linalg.inv(card))
# Apply to the new cardinal, so that the resampling is consistent
new_affine = rot.dot(new_card)
if qcode != 0:
hdr.set_qform(new_affine.dot(np.linalg.inv(affine).dot(qform)), code=int(qcode))
if scode != 0:
hdr.set_sform(new_affine.dot(np.linalg.inv(affine).dot(sform)), code=int(scode))
if (scode, qcode) == (0, 0):
hdr.set_qform(new_affine, code=1)
hdr.set_sform(new_affine, code=1)
# Create a new x-form affine, aligned with cardinal axes, 1mm3 and centered.
return nb.Nifti1Image(resampled, new_affine, hdr)
def demean(in_file, in_mask, only_mask=False, newpath=None):
"""Demean ``in_file`` within the mask defined by ``in_mask``."""
import os
import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
out_file = fname_presuffix(in_file, suffix='_demeaned', newpath=os.getcwd())
nii = nb.load(in_file)
msk = np.asanyarray(nb.load(in_mask).dataobj)
data = nii.get_fdata()
if only_mask:
data[msk > 0] -= np.median(data[msk > 0])
data -= np.median(data[msk > 0])
nb.Nifti1Image(data, nii.affine, nii.header).to_filename(out_file)
return out_file
def nii_ones_like(in_file, value, dtype, newpath=None):
"""Create a NIfTI file filled with ``value``, matching properties of ``in_file``."""
import os
import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np
nii = nb.load(in_file)
data = np.ones(nii.shape, dtype=float) * value
out_file = os.path.join(newpath or os.getcwd(), 'filled.nii.gz')
nii = nb.Nifti1Image(data, nii.affine, nii.header)
return out_file