Source code for sdcflows.interfaces.bspline

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"""Filtering of :math:`B_0` field mappings with B-Splines."""
from itertools import product
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
from nitransforms.linear import Affine

from nipype import logging
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
from nipype.interfaces.base import (

from sdcflows.transform import grid_bspline_weights
from import reorient_pedir

DEFAULT_ZOOMS_MM = (40.0, 40.0, 20.0)  # For human adults (mid-frequency), in mm
DEFAULT_LF_ZOOMS_MM = (100.0, 100.0, 40.0)  # For human adults (low-frequency), in mm
DEFAULT_HF_ZOOMS_MM = (16.0, 16.0, 10.0)  # For human adults (high-frequency), in mm
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("nipype.interface")

class _BSplineApproxInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_data = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="path to a fieldmap")
    in_mask = File(exists=True, desc="path to a brain mask")
    bs_spacing = InputMultiObject(
        traits.Tuple(traits.Float, traits.Float, traits.Float),
        desc="spacing between B-Spline control points",
    ridge_alpha = traits.Float(
        0.01, usedefault=True, desc="controls the regularization"
    recenter = traits.Enum(
        desc="strategy to recenter the distribution of the input fieldmap",
    extrapolate = traits.Bool(
        desc="generate a field, extrapolated outside the brain mask",
    zooms_min = traits.Union(
        traits.Tuple(traits.Float, traits.Float, traits.Float),
        desc="limit minimum image zooms, set 0.0 to use the original image",
    debug = traits.Bool(
        False, usedefault=True, desc="generate extra assets for debugging"

class _BSplineApproxOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_field = File(exists=True)
    out_coeff = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True))
    out_error = File(exists=True)
    out_extrapolated = File()

[docs] class BSplineApprox(SimpleInterface): r""" Approximate the :math:`B_0` field using tensor-product B-Splines. The approximation effectively smooths the data, removing spikes and other sources of noise, as well as enables the extrapolation of the :math:`B_0` field beyond the brain mask, which alleviates boundary effects in correction. This interface resolves the optimization problem of obtaining the B-Spline coefficients :math:`c(\mathbf{k})` that best approximate the data samples within the brain mask :math:`f(\mathbf{s})`, following Eq. (17) -- in that case for 2D -- of [Unser1999]_. Here, and for the case of 3D, the formulism is adapted in `Eq. (1) of the transform module <sdcflows.transform.html#bspline-interpolation>`_. References ---------- .. [Unser1999] M. Unser, "`Splines: A Perfect Fit for Signal and Image Processing <>`__," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 16(6):22-38, 1999. See Also -------- :py:func:`~sdcflows.transform.grid_bspline_weights` - for the evaluation of the tensor-product, cubic B-Splines (:math:`\Psi^3(\mathbf{k}, \mathbf{s})`) formalized in `Eq. (2) of the transform module <sdcflows.transform.html#bspline-tensor>`_. """ input_spec = _BSplineApproxInputSpec output_spec = _BSplineApproxOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): from sklearn import linear_model as lm from scipy.sparse import hstack as sparse_hstack # Output name baseline out_name = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_data, suffix="_field", newpath=runtime.cwd ) # Load in the fieldmap fmapnii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_data) fmapnii = nb.as_closest_canonical(fmapnii) zooms = fmapnii.header.get_zooms() # Get a mask (or define on the spot to cover the full extent) masknii = ( nb.load(self.inputs.in_mask) if isdefined(self.inputs.in_mask) else None ) if masknii is not None: masknii = nb.as_closest_canonical(masknii) # Determine the shape of bspline coefficients # This should not change with resizing, so do it first bs_grids = [ bspline_grid(fmapnii, control_zooms_mm=sp) for sp in self.inputs.bs_spacing ] need_resize = np.any(np.array(zooms) < self.inputs.zooms_min) if need_resize: from import resample_to_zooms target_zooms = np.maximum(zooms, self.inputs.zooms_min) "Resampling image with resolution exceeding 'zooms_min' " f"({'x'.join(str(s) for s in zooms)} → " f"{'x'.join(str(s) for s in target_zooms)})." ) fmapnii = resample_to_zooms(fmapnii, target_zooms) if masknii is not None: masknii = resample_to_zooms(masknii, target_zooms) data = fmapnii.get_fdata(dtype="float32") # Generate a numpy array with the mask mask = ( np.ones(fmapnii.shape, dtype=bool) if masknii is None else np.asanyarray(masknii.dataobj) > 1e-4 ) # Recenter the fieldmap center = 0 if self.inputs.recenter == "mode": from scipy.stats import mode # Handle pre- and post-1.9 mode behavior. # squeeze can be dropped when the minimum version reaches 1.9 # Will become: data -= mode(data[mask], keepdims=False).mode center = np.squeeze(mode(data[mask]).mode) elif self.inputs.recenter == "median": center = np.median(data[mask]) elif self.inputs.recenter == "mean": center = np.mean(data[mask]) data -= center data[~mask] = 0 # Calculate collocation matrix from (possibly resized) image and knot grids colmat = sparse_hstack( [grid_bspline_weights(fmapnii, grid) for grid in bs_grids] ).tocsr() bs_grids_str = ["x".join(str(s) for s in grid.shape) for grid in bs_grids] bs_grids_str[-1] = f"and {bs_grids_str[-1]}" f"Approximating B-Splines grids ({', '.join(bs_grids_str)} [knots]) on a grid of " f"{'x'.join(str(s) for s in fmapnii.shape)} ({}) voxels," f" of which {mask.sum()} fall within the mask." ) # Fit the model model = lm.Ridge( alpha=self.inputs.ridge_alpha, fit_intercept=False, solver="lsqr" ) for attempt in range(3):, data.reshape(-1)) extreme = np.abs(model.coef_).max() LOGGER.debug(f"Model fit attempt {attempt}: max(|coeffs|) = {extreme}") # Normal values seem to be ~1e2, bad ~1e8. May want to tweak this if # these distributions are wider than I think. if extreme < 1e4: break else: raise RuntimeError( f"Spline fit of input file {self.inputs.in_data} failed. " f"Extreme value {extreme:.2e} detected in spline coefficients." ) # Store coefficients index = 0 self._results["out_coeff"] = [] for i, bsl in enumerate(bs_grids): n = bsl.dataobj.size out_level = out_name.replace("_field.", f"_coeff{i:03}.") bsl.__class__( np.array(model.coef_, dtype="float32")[index : index + n].reshape( bsl.shape ), bsl.affine, bsl.header, ).to_filename(out_level) index += n self._results["out_coeff"].append(out_level) # Interpolating in the original grid will require a new collocation matrix if need_resize: fmapnii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_data) fmapnii = nb.as_closest_canonical(fmapnii) data = fmapnii.get_fdata(dtype="float32") - center if masknii is not None: masknii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_mask) masknii = nb.as_closest_canonical(masknii) mask = np.asanyarray(masknii.dataobj) > 1e-4 else: mask = np.ones_like(fmapnii.dataobj, dtype=bool) colmat = sparse_hstack( [grid_bspline_weights(fmapnii, grid) for grid in bs_grids] ).tocsr() regressors = colmat[mask.reshape(-1), :] interp_data = np.zeros_like(data) # Interpolate the field from the coefficients just calculated interp_data[mask] = regressors @ model.coef_ # Store interpolated field hdr = fmapnii.header.copy() hdr.set_data_dtype("float32") fmapnii.__class__(interp_data, fmapnii.affine, hdr).to_filename(out_name) self._results["out_field"] = out_name # Write out fitting-error map self._results["out_error"] = out_name.replace("_field.", "_error.") fmapnii.__class__( data * mask - interp_data, fmapnii.affine, fmapnii.header ).to_filename(self._results["out_error"]) if not self.inputs.extrapolate: return runtime if np.all(mask): self._results["out_extrapolated"] = self._results["out_field"] return runtime extrapolators = colmat[~mask.reshape(-1), :] interp_data[~mask] = extrapolators @ model.coef_ # Extrapolation self._results["out_extrapolated"] = out_name.replace("_field.", "_extra.") fmapnii.__class__(interp_data, fmapnii.affine, hdr).to_filename( self._results["out_extrapolated"] ) return runtime
class _ApplyCoeffsFieldInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_data = File(exist=True, mandatory=True, desc="input EPI data to be corrected") in_coeff = InputMultiObject( File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="input coefficients as calculated in the estimation stage", ) fmap2data_xfm = InputMultiObject( File(exists=True), desc="the transform by which the target EPI can be resampled on the fieldmap's grid.", xor="data2fmap_xfm", ) data2fmap_xfm = InputMultiObject( File(exists=True), desc="the transform by which the fieldmap can be resampled on the target EPI's grid.", xor="fmap2data_xfm", ) in_xfms = traits.List( traits.List(traits.List(traits.Float)), desc="list of head-motion correction matrices", ) ro_time = InputMultiObject( traits.Float(), mandatory=True, desc="EPI readout time (s)." ) pe_dir = InputMultiObject( traits.Enum("i", "i-", "j", "j-", "k", "k-"), mandatory=True, desc="the phase-encoding direction corresponding to in_data", ) num_threads = traits.Int(nohash=True, desc="number of threads") approx = traits.Bool( True, usedefault=True, desc=( "reconstruct the fieldmap on its original grid and then interpolate on the " "rotated grid, rather than reconstructing directly on the rotated grid." ), ) class _ApplyCoeffsFieldOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_corrected = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True)) out_field = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True))
[docs] class ApplyCoeffsField(SimpleInterface): """ Undistort a target, distorted image with a fieldmap, formalized by its B-Spline coefficients. Preconditions: * We have a "target EPI" - a BOLD or DWI dataset (or even MPRAGE, same principle), without having gone through HMC or SDC. * We have also the list of HMC matrices that *accounts for* head-motion, so after resampling the dataset through this list of transforms *the head does not move anymore*. * We have estimated the fieldmap's coefficients * We have the "fieldmap-to-data" affine transform that aligns the target dataset (e.g., EPI) and the fieldmap's "magnitude" (phasediff et al.) or "reference" (pepolar, syn). The algorithm is implemented in the :obj:`~sdcflows.transform.B0FieldTransform` object. First, we will call :obj:``, which results in: 1. The reference grid of the target dataset is projected onto the fieldmap space 2. The B-Spline coefficients are applied to reconstruct the field on the grid resulting above. After which, we can then call :obj:`~sdcflows.transform.B0FieldTransform.apply`. This second step will: 3. Find the location of every voxel on each timepoint (meaning, after the head moved) and progress (or recede) along the phase-encoding axis to find the actual (voxel) coordinates of each voxel. With those coordinates known, interpolation is trivial. 4. Generate a spatial image with the new data. """ input_spec = _ApplyCoeffsFieldInputSpec output_spec = _ApplyCoeffsFieldOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): from sdcflows.transform import B0FieldTransform data2fmap_xfm = None if isdefined(self.inputs.data2fmap_xfm): data2fmap_xfm = Affine.from_filename( self.inputs.data2fmap_xfm if not isinstance(self.inputs.data2fmap_xfm, list) else self.inputs.data2fmap_xfm[0], fmt="itk" ).matrix elif isdefined(self.inputs.fmap2data_xfm): # Same, but inverting direction data2fmap_xfm = (~Affine.from_filename( self.inputs.fmap2data_xfm if not isinstance(self.inputs.fmap2data_xfm, list) else self.inputs.fmap2data_xfm[0], fmt="itk" )).matrix # Pre-cached interpolator object unwarp = B0FieldTransform( coeffs=[nb.load(cname) for cname in self.inputs.in_coeff] ) # We can now write out the fieldmap self._results["out_field"] = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_data, suffix="_field", newpath=runtime.cwd, ) self._results["out_corrected"] = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_data, suffix="_sdc", newpath=runtime.cwd, ) unwarp.apply( self.inputs.in_data, self.inputs.pe_dir, self.inputs.ro_time, xfms=self.inputs.in_xfms or None, xfm_data2fmap=data2fmap_xfm, approx=self.inputs.approx, num_threads=self.inputs.num_threads or None, ).to_filename(self._results["out_corrected"]) unwarp.mapped.to_filename(self._results["out_field"]) return runtime
class _TransformCoefficientsInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_coeff = InputMultiObject( File(exist=True), mandatory=True, desc="input coefficients file(s)" ) fmap_ref = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the fieldmap reference") transform = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="rigid-body transform file") fmap_target = File( exists=True, desc="the distorted EPI target (feed to set debug mode on)" ) class _TransformCoefficientsOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_coeff = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True), desc="moved coefficients")
[docs] class TransformCoefficients(SimpleInterface): """Project coefficients files to another space through a rigid-body transform.""" input_spec = _TransformCoefficientsInputSpec output_spec = _TransformCoefficientsOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): from sdcflows.transform import _move_coeff self._results["out_coeff"] = [] for level in self.inputs.in_coeff: movednii = _move_coeff( level, self.inputs.fmap_ref, self.inputs.transform, fmap_target=( self.inputs.fmap_target or None ), ) out_file = fname_presuffix( level, suffix="_space-target", newpath=runtime.cwd ) movednii.to_filename(out_file) self._results["out_coeff"].append(out_file) return runtime
class _TOPUPCoeffReorientInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_coeff = InputMultiObject( File(exist=True), mandatory=True, desc="input coefficients file(s) from TOPUP" ) fmap_ref = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the fieldmap reference") pe_dir = traits.Enum( *["".join(p) for p in product("ijkxyz", ("", "-"))], mandatory=True, desc="phase encoding direction", ) class _TOPUPCoeffReorientOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_coeff = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True), desc="patched coefficients")
[docs] class TOPUPCoeffReorient(SimpleInterface): """ Revise the orientation of TOPUP-generated B-Spline coefficients. TOPUP-generated "fieldcoeff" files are just B-Spline fields, where the shape of the field is fixated to be a decimated grid of the original image by an integer factor and added 3 pixels on each dimension. This is one root reason why TOPUP errors (FSL 6) or segfaults (FSL 5), when the input image has odd number of voxels along one or more directions. These "fieldcoeff" are fixated to be zero-centered, and have "plumb" orientation (as in, aligned with cardinal/imaging axes). The q-form of these NIfTI files is always diagonal, with the decimation factors set on the diagonal (and hence, the voxel zooms). The origin of the q-form is set to the reference image's shape. All the director cosines of the output coefficients will be positive. In other words, the output orientation is either RAS, ARS, ASR, SAR, or SRA. This interface modifies these coefficient files to be fully-fledged NIfTI images aligned with the reference image. Therefore, the s-form header of the coefficients file is updated to match that of the reference file. The s-form header is used because the imaging axes may be oblique. The q-form retains the original header and is marked with code 0. """ input_spec = _TOPUPCoeffReorientInputSpec output_spec = _TOPUPCoeffReorientOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): self._results["out_coeff"] = [ str( _fix_topup_fieldcoeff( in_coeff, self.inputs.fmap_ref, self.inputs.pe_dir, out_file=fname_presuffix( in_coeff, suffix="_fixed", newpath=runtime.cwd ), ) ) for in_coeff in self.inputs.in_coeff ] return runtime
[docs] def bspline_grid(img, control_zooms_mm=DEFAULT_ZOOMS_MM): """Create a :obj:`~nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image` embedding the location of control points.""" if isinstance(img, (str, Path)): img = nb.load(img) im_zooms = np.array(img.header.get_zooms()) im_shape = np.array(img.shape[:3]) # Calculate the direction cosines of the target image dir_cos = img.affine[:3, :3] / im_zooms # Initialize the affine of the B-Spline grid bs_affine = np.eye(4) bs_affine[:3, :3] = np.array(control_zooms_mm) * dir_cos bs_zooms = nb.affines.voxel_sizes(bs_affine) # Calculate the shape of the B-Spline grid im_extent = im_zooms * (im_shape - 1) bs_shape = (im_extent // bs_zooms + 3).astype(int) # Center both images bs_affine[:3, 3] = apply_affine(img.affine, 0.5 * (im_shape - 1)) - apply_affine( bs_affine, 0.5 * (bs_shape - 1) ) return img.__class__(np.zeros(bs_shape, dtype="float32"), bs_affine)
def _fix_topup_fieldcoeff(in_coeff, fmap_ref, pe_dir, out_file=None): """Read in a coefficients file generated by TOPUP and fix x-form headers.""" from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import nibabel as nb if out_file is None: out_file = Path("coefficients.nii.gz").absolute() refnii = nb.load(fmap_ref) coeffnii = nb.load(in_coeff) # Coefficients generated by TOPUP are in LAS space, and we will convert to RAS. # Reorient the reference image and phase-encoding direction to RAS ref_ornt = nb.io_orientation(refnii.affine) refnii_ras = refnii.as_reoriented(ref_ornt) coeff_pe_dir = reorient_pedir(pe_dir, ref_ornt) # Coefficients - flip LR and overwrite coeffnii variable # Internal data orientation of FSL is LAS, so coefficients will be LR flipped, # and because the affine does not encode orientation (factors instead), this flip # always is implicit. # If the PE direction is x/i, the flip in the axis direction causes that the # fieldmap estimation must also be inverted in direction (multiply by -1.0) reverse_pe = -1.0 if coeff_pe_dir[0] == "i" else 1.0 coeffnii = coeffnii.__class__( reverse_pe * np.flip(np.asanyarray(coeffnii.dataobj), axis=0), coeffnii.affine, coeffnii.header, ) # Get matrix of B-Spline control knots coeff_shape = np.array(coeffnii.shape[:3]) # Get factors (w.r.t. reference's pixel sizes) to calculate separation btw control points factors = np.array(coeffnii.header.get_zooms()[:3]) # Shape checking ref_shape = np.array(refnii_ras.shape[:3]) exp_shape = ref_shape // factors + 3 * (factors > 1) if not np.all(coeff_shape == exp_shape): raise ValueError( f"Shape of coefficients file {coeff_shape} does not meet the " f"expected shape {exp_shape} (toupup factors are {factors})." ) # Contextualize the control points in space with a proper NIfTI affine newaff = np.eye(4) newaff[:3, :3] = refnii_ras.affine[:3, :3] * factors c_ref = nb.affines.apply_affine(refnii_ras.affine, 0.5 * (ref_shape - 1)) c_coeff = nb.affines.apply_affine(newaff, 0.5 * (coeff_shape - 1)) newaff[:3, 3] = c_ref - c_coeff # Edit coefficient's header header = coeffnii.header.copy() header.set_qform(newaff, code=1) header.set_sform(newaff, code=1) header["cal_max"] = max( ( abs(np.asanyarray(coeffnii.dataobj).min()), np.asanyarray(coeffnii.dataobj).max(), ) ) header["cal_min"] = -header["cal_max"] header.set_intent("estimate", tuple(), name="B-Spline coefficients") # Write out fixed (generalized) coefficients coeffnii.__class__(coeffnii.dataobj, newaff, header).to_filename(out_file) return out_file def _split_itk_file(in_file): from pathlib import Path lines = Path(in_file).read_text().splitlines() header = lines.pop(0) def _chunks(inlist, chunksize): for i in range(0, len(inlist), chunksize): yield "\n".join([header] + inlist[i : i + chunksize]) for i, xfm in enumerate(_chunks(lines, 4)): p = Path(f"{i:05}") p.write_text(xfm) yield str(p) def _b0_resampler(in_file, coeffs, pe, ro, hmc_xfm=None, unwarp=None, newpath=None): """Outsource the resampler into a separate callable function to allow parallelization.""" from functools import partial # Prepare output names filename = partial(fname_presuffix, newpath=newpath) retval = [filename(in_file, suffix=s) for s in ("_unwarped", "_xfm", "_field")] if unwarp is None: from sdcflows.transform import B0FieldTransform # Create a new unwarp object unwarp = B0FieldTransform( coeffs=[nb.load(cname) for cname in coeffs], ) if hmc_xfm is not None: from nitransforms.linear import Affine from import ITKLinearTransform as XFMLoader unwarp.xfm = Affine(XFMLoader.from_filename(hmc_xfm).to_ras()) # Load distorted image distorted_img = nb.load(in_file) # Reorient to RAS to ensure consistency with coefficients # The b-spline weight matrix is sensitive to orientation ornt = nb.io_orientation(distorted_img.affine) distorted_ras = distorted_img.as_reoriented(ornt) pe_ras = reorient_pedir(pe, ornt) if unwarp.mapped.to_filename(retval[2]) else: retval[2] = None # Unwarp unwarped_img = unwarp.apply(distorted_ras, ro_time=ro, pe_dir=pe_ras) # Write out to disk unwarped_img.to_filename(retval[0]) # Store the corresponding spatial transformation unwarp.to_displacements(ro_time=ro, pe_dir=pe_ras).to_filename(retval[1]) return retval