.. include:: links.rst Installation ============ Make sure all of *SDCflows*' `External Dependencies`_ are installed. These tools must be installed and their binaries available in the system's ``$PATH``. A relatively interpretable description of how your environment can be set-up is found in the `Dockerfile `_. As an additional installation setting, FreeSurfer_ requires a license file. On a functional Python 3.5 (or above) environment with ``pip`` installed, *SDCflows* can be installed using the habitual command :: $ python -m pip install sdcflows Check your installation with the following command line :: $ python -c "from sdcflows import __version__; print(__version__)" External Dependencies --------------------- The *SDCflows* are written using Python 3.5 (or above), and are based on nipype_. *SDCflows* require some other neuroimaging software tools that are not handled by the Python's packaging system (Pypi) used to deploy the ``sdcflows`` package: - FSL_ (version 5.0.9) - ANTs_ (version 2.2.0 - NeuroDocker build) - AFNI_ (version Debian-16.2.07) - FreeSurfer_ (version 6.0.1)