Warning: This document is for an old version of smriprep.

Source code for smriprep.interfaces.gifti

"""Interfaces for manipulating GIFTI files."""

import os

import nibabel as nb
from nipype.interfaces.base import File, SimpleInterface, TraitedSpec, isdefined, traits

class MetricMathInputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    subject_id = traits.Str(desc='subject ID')
    hemisphere = traits.Enum(
    metric = traits.Str(desc='name of metric to invert')
    metric_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc='input GIFTI file')
    operation = traits.Enum(
        desc='operation to perform',

class MetricMathOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    metric_file = File(desc='output GIFTI file')

[docs] class MetricMath(SimpleInterface): """Prepare GIFTI metric file for use in MSMSulc This interface mirrors the action of the following portion of FreeSurfer2CaretConvertAndRegisterNonlinear.sh:: wb_command -set-structure ${metric_file} CORTEX_[LEFT|RIGHT] wb_command -metric-math "var * -1" ${metric_file} -var var ${metric_file} wb_command -set-map-names ${metric_file} -map 1 ${subject}_[L|R]_${metric} # If abs: wb_command -metric-math "abs(var)" ${metric_file} -var var ${metric_file} We do not add palette information to the output file. """ input_spec = MetricMathInputSpec output_spec = MetricMathOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): subject, hemi, metric = self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.hemisphere, self.inputs.metric if not isdefined(subject): subject = 'sub-XYZ' img = nb.GiftiImage.from_filename(self.inputs.metric_file) # wb_command -set-structure img.meta['AnatomicalStructurePrimary'] = {'L': 'CortexLeft', 'R': 'CortexRight'}[hemi] darray = img.darrays[0] # wb_command -set-map-names meta = darray.meta meta['Name'] = f'{subject}_{hemi}_{metric}' datatype = darray.datatype if self.inputs.operation == 'abs': # wb_command -metric-math "abs(var)" data = abs(darray.data) elif self.inputs.operation == 'invert': # wb_command -metric-math "var * -1" data = -darray.data elif self.inputs.operation == 'bin': # wb_command -metric-math "var > 0" data = darray.data > 0 datatype = 'uint8' darray = nb.gifti.GiftiDataArray( data, intent=darray.intent, datatype=datatype, encoding=darray.encoding, endian=darray.endian, coordsys=darray.coordsys, ordering=darray.ind_ord, meta=meta, ) img.darrays[0] = darray out_filename = os.path.join(runtime.cwd, f'{subject}.{hemi}.{metric}.native.shape.gii') img.to_filename(out_filename) self._results['metric_file'] = out_filename return runtime