Warning: This document is for the development version of smriprep.

Source code for smriprep.workflows.outputs

# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <nipreps@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# We support and encourage derived works from this project, please read
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"""Writing outputs."""

import typing as ty

from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from niworkflows.engine.workflows import LiterateWorkflow as Workflow
from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms
from niworkflows.interfaces.nibabel import ApplyMask, GenerateSamplingReference
from niworkflows.interfaces.space import SpaceDataSource
from niworkflows.interfaces.utility import KeySelect

from ..interfaces import DerivativesDataSink
from ..interfaces.templateflow import TemplateFlowSelect, fetch_template_files

    from niworkflows.utils.spaces import SpatialReferences


[docs] def init_anat_reports_wf(*, spaces, freesurfer, output_dir, sloppy=False, name='anat_reports_wf'): """ Set up a battery of datasinks to store reports in the right location. Parameters ---------- freesurfer : :obj:`bool` FreeSurfer was enabled output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: anat_reports_wf) Inputs ------ source_file Input T1w image std_t1w T1w image resampled to standard space std_mask Mask of skull-stripped template subject_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR subject_id FreeSurfer subject ID t1w_conform_report Conformation report t1w_preproc The T1w reference map, which is calculated as the average of bias-corrected and preprocessed T1w images, defining the anatomical space. t1w_dseg Segmentation in T1w space t1w_mask Brain (binary) mask estimated by brain extraction. template Template space and specifications """ from niworkflows.interfaces.reportlets.masks import ROIsPlot from niworkflows.interfaces.reportlets.registration import ( SimpleBeforeAfterRPT as SimpleBeforeAfter, ) workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputfields = [ 'source_file', 't1w_preproc', 't1w_mask', 't1w_dseg', 'template', 'anat2std_xfm', # May be missing 't1w_conform_report', 'subject_id', 'subjects_dir', ] inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=inputfields), name='inputnode') seg_rpt = pe.Node(ROIsPlot(colors=['b', 'magenta'], levels=[1.5, 2.5]), name='seg_rpt') t1w_conform_check = pe.Node( niu.Function(function=_empty_report), name='t1w_conform_check', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_t1w_conform_report = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, desc='conform', datatype='figures'), name='ds_t1w_conform_report', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_t1w_dseg_mask_report = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, suffix='dseg', datatype='figures'), name='ds_t1w_dseg_mask_report', run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, t1w_conform_check, [('t1w_conform_report', 'in_file')]), (t1w_conform_check, ds_t1w_conform_report, [('out', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, ds_t1w_conform_report, [('source_file', 'source_file')]), (inputnode, ds_t1w_dseg_mask_report, [('source_file', 'source_file')]), (inputnode, seg_rpt, [('t1w_preproc', 'in_file'), ('t1w_mask', 'in_mask'), ('t1w_dseg', 'in_rois')]), (seg_rpt, ds_t1w_dseg_mask_report, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), ]) # fmt:on if spaces._cached is not None and spaces.cached.references: template_iterator_wf = init_template_iterator_wf(spaces=spaces, sloppy=sloppy) t1w_std = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms( dimension=3, default_value=0, float=True, interpolation='LanczosWindowedSinc', ), name='t1w_std', ) mask_std = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms( dimension=3, default_value=0, float=True, interpolation='MultiLabel', ), name='mask_std', ) # Generate reportlets showing spatial normalization norm_msk = pe.Node( niu.Function( function=_rpt_masks, output_names=['before', 'after'], input_names=['mask_file', 'before', 'after', 'after_mask'], ), name='norm_msk', ) norm_rpt = pe.Node(SimpleBeforeAfter(), name='norm_rpt', mem_gb=0.1) norm_rpt.inputs.after_label = 'Participant' # after ds_std_t1w_report = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, suffix='T1w', datatype='figures'), name='ds_std_t1w_report', run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, template_iterator_wf, [ ('template', 'inputnode.template'), ('anat2std_xfm', 'inputnode.anat2std_xfm'), ]), (inputnode, t1w_std, [('t1w_preproc', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, mask_std, [('t1w_mask', 'input_image')]), (template_iterator_wf, t1w_std, [ ('outputnode.anat2std_xfm', 'transforms'), ('outputnode.std_t1w', 'reference_image'), ]), (template_iterator_wf, mask_std, [ ('outputnode.anat2std_xfm', 'transforms'), ('outputnode.std_t1w', 'reference_image'), ]), (template_iterator_wf, norm_rpt, [('outputnode.space', 'before_label')]), (t1w_std, norm_msk, [('output_image', 'after')]), (mask_std, norm_msk, [('output_image', 'after_mask')]), (template_iterator_wf, norm_msk, [ ('outputnode.std_t1w', 'before'), ('outputnode.std_mask', 'mask_file'), ]), (norm_msk, norm_rpt, [ ('before', 'before'), ('after', 'after'), ]), (inputnode, ds_std_t1w_report, [('source_file', 'source_file')]), (template_iterator_wf, ds_std_t1w_report, [('outputnode.space', 'space')]), (norm_rpt, ds_std_t1w_report, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), ]) # fmt:on if freesurfer: from ..interfaces.reports import FSSurfaceReport recon_report = pe.Node(FSSurfaceReport(), name='recon_report') recon_report.interface._always_run = True ds_recon_report = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, desc='reconall', datatype='figures'), name='ds_recon_report', run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, recon_report, [('subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir'), ('subject_id', 'subject_id')]), (recon_report, ds_recon_report, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, ds_recon_report, [('source_file', 'source_file')]) ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_template_wf( *, num_anat: int, output_dir: str, image_type: ty.Literal['T1w', 'T2w'], name: str = 'ds_template_wf', ): """ Save the subject-specific template Parameters ---------- num_anat : :obj:`int` Number of anatomical images output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives image_type MR image type (T1w, T2w, etc.) name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: ds_template_wf) Inputs ------ source_files List of input anatomical images anat_ref_xfms List of affine transforms to realign input anatomical images anat_preproc The anatomical reference map, which is calculated as the average of bias-corrected and preprocessed anatomical images, defining the anatomical space. Outputs ------- anat_preproc The location in the output directory of the preprocessed anatomical image """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ 'source_files', 'anat_ref_xfms', 'anat_preproc', ] ), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['anat_preproc']), name='outputnode') ds_anat_preproc = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, desc='preproc', compress=True), name='ds_anat_preproc', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_anat_preproc.inputs.SkullStripped = False # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_anat_preproc, [('anat_preproc', 'in_file'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (ds_anat_preproc, outputnode, [('out_file', 'anat_preproc')]), ]) # fmt:on if num_anat > 1: # Please note the dictionary unpacking to provide the from argument. # It is necessary because from is a protected keyword (not allowed as argument name). ds_anat_ref_xfms = pe.MapNode( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, to=image_type, mode='image', suffix='xfm', extension='txt', **{'from': 'orig'}, ), iterfield=['source_file', 'in_file'], name='ds_anat_ref_xfms', run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_anat_ref_xfms, [('source_files', 'source_file'), ('anat_ref_xfms', 'in_file')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_mask_wf( *, bids_root: str, output_dir: str, mask_type: ty.Literal['brain', 'roi', 'ribbon'], extra_entities: dict | None = None, name='ds_mask_wf', ): """ Save the subject brain mask Parameters ---------- bids_root : :obj:`str` Root path of BIDS dataset output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives extra_entities : :obj:`dict` or None Additional entities to add to filename name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: ds_mask_wf) Inputs ------ source_files List of input anat images mask_file Mask to save Outputs ------- mask_file The location in the output directory of the mask """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['source_files', 'mask_file']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['mask_file']), name='outputnode') raw_sources = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_bids_relative), name='raw_sources') raw_sources.inputs.bids_root = bids_root extra_entities = extra_entities or {} ds_mask = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, desc=mask_type, suffix='mask', compress=True, **extra_entities, ), name='ds_anat_mask', run_without_submitting=True, ) if mask_type == 'brain': ds_mask.inputs.Type = 'Brain' else: ds_mask.inputs.Type = 'ROI' # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, raw_sources, [('source_files', 'in_files')]), (inputnode, ds_mask, [('mask_file', 'in_file'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (raw_sources, ds_mask, [('out', 'RawSources')]), (ds_mask, outputnode, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_dseg_wf( *, output_dir: str, extra_entities: dict | None = None, name: str = 'ds_dseg_wf', ): """ Save discrete segmentations Parameters ---------- output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives extra_entities : :obj:`dict` or None Additional entities to add to filename name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: ds_dseg_wf) Inputs ------ source_files List of input anatomical images anat_dseg Segmentation in anatomical space Outputs ------- anat_dseg The location in the output directory of the discrete segmentation """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['source_files', 'anat_dseg']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['anat_dseg']), name='outputnode') extra_entities = extra_entities or {} ds_anat_dseg = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, suffix='dseg', compress=True, dismiss_entities=['desc'], **extra_entities, ), name='ds_anat_dseg', run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_anat_dseg, [('anat_dseg', 'in_file'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (ds_anat_dseg, outputnode, [('out_file', 'anat_dseg')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_tpms_wf( *, output_dir: str, extra_entities: dict | None = None, name: str = 'ds_tpms_wf', tpm_labels: tuple = BIDS_TISSUE_ORDER, ): """ Save tissue probability maps Parameters ---------- output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives extra_entities : :obj:`dict` or None Additional entities to add to filename name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: anat_derivatives_wf) tpm_labels : :obj:`tuple` Tissue probability maps in order Inputs ------ source_files List of input anatomical images anat_tpms Tissue probability maps in anatomical space Outputs ------- anat_tpms The location in the output directory of the tissue probability maps """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['source_files', 'anat_tpms']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['anat_tpms']), name='outputnode') extra_entities = extra_entities or {} ds_anat_tpms = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, suffix='probseg', compress=True, dismiss_entities=['desc'], **extra_entities, ), name='ds_anat_tpms', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_anat_tpms.inputs.label = tpm_labels # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_anat_tpms, [('anat_tpms', 'in_file'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (ds_anat_tpms, outputnode, [('out_file', 'anat_tpms')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_template_registration_wf( *, output_dir: str, image_type: ty.Literal['T1w', 'T2w'], name: str = 'ds_template_registration_wf', ): """ Save template registration transforms Parameters ---------- output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives image_type : :obj:`str` Anatomical image type (T1w, T2w, etc) name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: anat_derivatives_wf) Inputs ------ template Template space and specifications source_files List of input anatomical images anat2std_xfm Nonlinear spatial transform to resample imaging data given in anatomical space into standard space. std2anat_xfm Inverse transform of ``anat2std_xfm`` """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['template', 'source_files', 'anat2std_xfm', 'std2anat_xfm']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['anat2std_xfm', 'std2anat_xfm']), name='outputnode', ) ds_std2anat_xfm = pe.MapNode( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, to=image_type, mode='image', suffix='xfm', dismiss_entities=['desc'], ), iterfield=('in_file', 'from'), name='ds_std2anat_xfm', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_anat2std_xfm = pe.MapNode( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, mode='image', suffix='xfm', dismiss_entities=['desc'], **{'from': image_type}, ), iterfield=('in_file', 'to'), name='ds_anat2std_xfm', run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_anat2std_xfm, [ ('anat2std_xfm', 'in_file'), (('template', _combine_cohort), 'to'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (inputnode, ds_std2anat_xfm, [ ('std2anat_xfm', 'in_file'), (('template', _combine_cohort), 'from'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (ds_anat2std_xfm, outputnode, [('out_file', 'anat2std_xfm')]), (ds_std2anat_xfm, outputnode, [('out_file', 'std2anat_xfm')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_fs_registration_wf( *, output_dir: str, image_type: ty.Literal['T1w', 'T2w'], name: str = 'ds_fs_registration_wf', ): """ Save rigid registration between subject anatomical template and either FreeSurfer T1.mgz or T2.mgz Parameters ---------- output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: ds_fs_registration_wf) Inputs ------ source_files List of input anatomical images fsnative2anat_xfm LTA-style affine matrix translating from FreeSurfer-conformed subject space to T1/T2 Outputs ------- anat2fsnative_xfm LTA-style affine matrix translating from T1/T2 to FreeSurfer-conformed subject space fsnative2anat_xfm LTA-style affine matrix translating from FreeSurfer-conformed subject space to T1w """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['source_files', 'fsnative2anat_xfm']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['fsnative2anat_xfm', 'anat2fsnative_xfm']), name='outputnode', ) from niworkflows.interfaces.nitransforms import ConcatenateXFMs # FS native space transforms lta2itk = pe.Node(ConcatenateXFMs(inverse=True), name='lta2itk', run_without_submitting=True) ds_anat_fsnative = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, mode='image', to='fsnative', suffix='xfm', extension='txt', **{'from': image_type}, ), name='ds_anat_fsnative', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_fsnative_anat = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, mode='image', to=image_type, suffix='xfm', extension='txt', **{'from': 'fsnative'}, ), name='ds_fsnative_anat', run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, lta2itk, [('fsnative2anat_xfm', 'in_xfms')]), (inputnode, ds_anat_fsnative, [('source_files', 'source_file')]), (lta2itk, ds_anat_fsnative, [('out_inv', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, ds_fsnative_anat, [('source_files', 'source_file')]), (lta2itk, ds_fsnative_anat, [('out_xfm', 'in_file')]), (ds_fsnative_anat, outputnode, [('out_file', 'fsnative2anat_xfm')]), (ds_anat_fsnative, outputnode, [('out_file', 'anat2fsnative_xfm')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_surfaces_wf( *, output_dir: str, surfaces: list[str], entities: dict[str, str] | None = None, name='ds_surfaces_wf', ) -> Workflow: """ Save GIFTI surfaces Parameters ---------- bids_root : :class:`str` Root path of BIDS dataset output_dir : :class:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives surfaces : :class:`str` List of surfaces to generate DataSinks for entities : :class:`dict` of :class:`str` Entities to include in outputs name : :class:`str` Workflow name (default: ds_surfaces_wf) Inputs ------ source_files List of input anatomical images ``<surface>`` Left and right GIFTIs for each surface passed to ``surfaces`` Outputs ------- ``<surface>`` Left and right GIFTIs in ``output_dir`` for each surface passed to ``surfaces`` """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) if entities is None: entities = {} inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['source_files'] + surfaces), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=surfaces), name='outputnode') for surf in surfaces: ds_surf = pe.MapNode( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, hemi=['L', 'R'], suffix=surf.split('_')[0], # Split for sphere_reg and sphere_reg_fsLR extension='.surf.gii', ), iterfield=('in_file', 'hemi'), name=f'ds_{surf}', run_without_submitting=True, ) if surf.startswith('sphere_reg'): ds_surf.inputs.space, ds_surf.inputs.desc = 'fsaverage', 'reg' # Default if surf == 'sphere_reg_fsLR': ds_surf.inputs.space = 'fsLR' elif surf == 'sphere_reg_dhcpAsym': ds_surf.inputs.space = 'dhcpAsym' elif surf == 'sphere_reg_msm': ds_surf.inputs.space, ds_surf.inputs.desc = 'fsLR', 'msmsulc' ds_surf.inputs.trait_set(**entities) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_surf, [(surf, 'in_file'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (ds_surf, outputnode, [('out_file', surf)]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_surface_metrics_wf( *, bids_root: str, output_dir: str, metrics: list[str], name='ds_surface_metrics_wf', ) -> Workflow: """ Save GIFTI surface metrics Parameters ---------- bids_root : :class:`str` Root path of BIDS dataset output_dir : :class:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives metrics : :class:`str` List of metrics to generate DataSinks for name : :class:`str` Workflow name (default: ds_surface_metrics_wf) Inputs ------ source_files List of input T1w images ``<metric>`` Left and right GIFTIs for each metric passed to ``metrics`` Outputs ------- ``<metric>`` Left and right GIFTIs in ``output_dir`` for each metric passed to ``metrics`` """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['source_files'] + metrics), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=metrics), name='outputnode') for metric in metrics: ds_surf = pe.MapNode( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, hemi=['L', 'R'], suffix=metric, extension='.shape.gii', ), iterfield=('in_file', 'hemi'), name=f'ds_{metric}', run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_surf, [(metric, 'in_file'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (ds_surf, outputnode, [('out_file', metric)]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_grayord_metrics_wf( *, bids_root: str, output_dir: str, metrics: list[str], cifti_output: ty.Literal['91k', '170k'], name='ds_grayord_metrics_wf', ) -> Workflow: """ Save CIFTI-2 surface metrics Parameters ---------- bids_root : :class:`str` Root path of BIDS dataset output_dir : :class:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives metrics : :class:`str` List of metrics to generate DataSinks for cifti_output : :class:`str` Density of CIFTI-2 files to save name : :class:`str` Workflow name (default: ds_surface_metrics_wf) Inputs ------ source_files List of input T1w images ``<metric>`` CIFTI-2 scalar file for each metric passed to ``metrics`` ``<metric>_metadata`` JSON file containing metadata for each metric passed to ``metrics`` Outputs ------- ``<metric>`` CIFTI-2 scalar file in ``output_dir`` for each metric passed to ``metrics`` """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['source_files'] + metrics + [f'{m}_metadata' for m in metrics] ), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=metrics), name='outputnode') for metric in metrics: ds_metric = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, space='fsLR', density=cifti_output, suffix=metric, compress=False, extension='.dscalar.nii', ), name=f'ds_{metric}', run_without_submitting=True, ) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_metric, [ ('source_files', 'source_file'), (metric, 'in_file'), ((f'{metric}_metadata', _read_json), 'meta_dict'), ]), (ds_metric, outputnode, [('out_file', metric)]), ]) # fmt:skip return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_anat_volumes_wf( *, bids_root: str, output_dir: str, name='ds_anat_volumes_wf', tpm_labels=BIDS_TISSUE_ORDER, ) -> pe.Workflow: workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ # Original anat image 'source_files', # anat-space images 'anat_preproc', 'anat_mask', 'anat_dseg', 'anat_tpms', # Template 'ref_file', 'anat2std_xfm', # Entities 'space', 'cohort', 'resolution', ] ), name='inputnode', ) raw_sources = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_bids_relative), name='raw_sources') raw_sources.inputs.bids_root = bids_root gen_ref = pe.Node(GenerateSamplingReference(), name='gen_ref', mem_gb=0.01) # Mask T1w preproc images mask_anat = pe.Node(ApplyMask(), name='mask_anat') # Resample T1w-space inputs anat2std_t1w = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms( dimension=3, default_value=0, float=True, interpolation='LanczosWindowedSinc', ), name='anat2std_t1w', ) anat2std_mask = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='MultiLabel'), name='anat2std_mask') anat2std_dseg = pe.Node(ApplyTransforms(interpolation='MultiLabel'), name='anat2std_dseg') anat2std_tpms = pe.MapNode( ApplyTransforms(dimension=3, default_value=0, float=True, interpolation='Gaussian'), iterfield=['input_image'], name='anat2std_tpms', ) ds_std_t1w = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, desc='preproc', compress=True, ), name='ds_std_t1w', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_std_t1w.inputs.SkullStripped = True ds_std_mask = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, desc='brain', suffix='mask', compress=True), name='ds_std_mask', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_std_mask.inputs.Type = 'Brain' ds_std_dseg = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, suffix='dseg', compress=True), name='ds_std_dseg', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_std_tpms = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, suffix='probseg', compress=True), name='ds_std_tpms', run_without_submitting=True, ) # CRITICAL: the sequence of labels here (CSF-GM-WM) is that of the output of FSL-FAST # (intensity mean, per tissue). This order HAS to be matched also by the ``tpms`` # output in the data/io_spec.json file. ds_std_tpms.inputs.label = tpm_labels workflow.connect([ (inputnode, gen_ref, [ ('ref_file', 'fixed_image'), (('resolution', _is_native), 'keep_native'), ]), (inputnode, mask_anat, [ ('anat_preproc', 'in_file'), ('anat_mask', 'in_mask'), ]), (mask_anat, anat2std_t1w, [('out_file', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, anat2std_mask, [('anat_mask', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, anat2std_dseg, [('anat_dseg', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, anat2std_tpms, [('anat_tpms', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, gen_ref, [('anat_preproc', 'moving_image')]), (anat2std_t1w, ds_std_t1w, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), (anat2std_mask, ds_std_mask, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), (anat2std_dseg, ds_std_dseg, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), (anat2std_tpms, ds_std_tpms, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), ]) # fmt:skip workflow.connect( # Connect apply transforms nodes [ (gen_ref, n, [('out_file', 'reference_image')]) for n in (anat2std_t1w, anat2std_mask, anat2std_dseg, anat2std_tpms) ] + [ (inputnode, n, [('anat2std_xfm', 'transforms')]) for n in (anat2std_t1w, anat2std_mask, anat2std_dseg, anat2std_tpms) ] + [ (inputnode, n, [ ('source_files', 'source_file'), ('space', 'space'), ('cohort', 'cohort'), ('resolution', 'resolution'), ]) for n in (ds_std_t1w, ds_std_mask, ds_std_dseg, ds_std_tpms) ] ) # fmt:skip return workflow
[docs] def init_ds_fs_segs_wf( *, bids_root: str, output_dir: str, extra_entities: dict | None = None, name='ds_fs_segs_wf', ): """ Set up a battery of datasinks to store derivatives in the right location. Parameters ---------- bids_root : :obj:`str` Root path of BIDS dataset output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives extra_entities : :obj:`dict` or None Additional entities to add to filename name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: ds_anat_segs_wf) Inputs ------ anat_fs_aparc FreeSurfer's aparc+aseg segmentation, in native anatomical space anat_fs_aseg FreeSurfer's aseg segmentation, in native anatomical space source_files List of input anatomical images """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ 'source_files', 'anat_fs_aseg', 'anat_fs_aparc', ] ), name='inputnode', ) raw_sources = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_bids_relative), name='raw_sources') raw_sources.inputs.bids_root = bids_root extra_entities = extra_entities or {} # Parcellations ds_anat_fsaseg = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, desc='aseg', suffix='dseg', compress=True, **extra_entities, ), name='ds_anat_fsaseg', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_anat_fsparc = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, desc='aparcaseg', suffix='dseg', compress=True, **extra_entities, ), name='ds_anat_fsparc', run_without_submitting=True, ) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_anat_fsaseg, [('anat_fs_aseg', 'in_file'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), (inputnode, ds_anat_fsparc, [('anat_fs_aparc', 'in_file'), ('source_files', 'source_file')]), ]) # fmt:skip return workflow
[docs] def init_template_iterator_wf( *, spaces: 'SpatialReferences', sloppy: bool = False, name='template_iterator_wf' ): """Prepare the necessary components to resample an image to a template space This produces a workflow with an unjoined iterable named "spacesource". It takes as input a collated list of template specifiers and transforms to that space. The fields in `outputnode` can be used as if they come from a single template. """ for template in spaces.get_spaces(nonstandard=False, dim=(3,)): fetch_template_files(template, specs=None, sloppy=sloppy) workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['template', 'anat2std_xfm']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ 'space', 'resolution', 'cohort', 'anat2std_xfm', 'std_t1w', 'std_mask', ], ), name='outputnode', ) spacesource = pe.Node(SpaceDataSource(), name='spacesource', run_without_submitting=True) spacesource.iterables = ( 'in_tuple', [(s.fullname, s.spec) for s in spaces.cached.get_standard(dim=(3,))], ) gen_tplid = pe.Node( niu.Function(function=_fmt_cohort), name='gen_tplid', run_without_submitting=True, ) select_xfm = pe.Node( KeySelect(fields=['anat2std_xfm']), name='select_xfm', run_without_submitting=True, ) select_tpl = pe.Node(TemplateFlowSelect(), name='select_tpl', run_without_submitting=True) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, select_xfm, [ ('anat2std_xfm', 'anat2std_xfm'), ('template', 'keys'), ]), (spacesource, gen_tplid, [ ('space', 'template'), ('cohort', 'cohort'), ]), (gen_tplid, select_xfm, [('out', 'key')]), (spacesource, select_tpl, [ ('space', 'template'), ('cohort', 'cohort'), (('resolution', _no_native, sloppy), 'resolution'), ]), (spacesource, outputnode, [ ('space', 'space'), ('resolution', 'resolution'), ('cohort', 'cohort'), ]), (select_xfm, outputnode, [ ('anat2std_xfm', 'anat2std_xfm'), ]), (select_tpl, outputnode, [ ('t1w_file', 'std_t1w'), ('brain_mask', 'std_mask'), ]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
def _bids_relative(in_files, bids_root): from pathlib import Path if not isinstance(in_files, list | tuple): in_files = [in_files] ret = [] for file in in_files: try: ret.append(str(Path(file).relative_to(bids_root))) except ValueError: ret.append(file) return in_files def _rpt_masks(mask_file, before, after, after_mask=None): from os.path import abspath import nibabel as nb msk = nb.load(mask_file).get_fdata() > 0 bnii = nb.load(before) nb.Nifti1Image(bnii.get_fdata() * msk, bnii.affine, bnii.header).to_filename('before.nii.gz') if after_mask is not None: msk = nb.load(after_mask).get_fdata() > 0 anii = nb.load(after) nb.Nifti1Image(anii.get_fdata() * msk, anii.affine, anii.header).to_filename('after.nii.gz') return abspath('before.nii.gz'), abspath('after.nii.gz') def _drop_cohort(in_template): if isinstance(in_template, str): return in_template.split(':')[0] return [_drop_cohort(v) for v in in_template] def _pick_cohort(in_template): if isinstance(in_template, str): if 'cohort-' not in in_template: from nipype.interfaces.base import Undefined return Undefined return in_template.split('cohort-')[-1].split(':')[0] return [_pick_cohort(v) for v in in_template] def _empty_report(in_file=None): from pathlib import Path from nipype.interfaces.base import isdefined if in_file is not None and isdefined(in_file): return in_file out_file = Path('tmp-report.html').absolute() out_file.write_text( """\ <h4 class="elem-title">A previously computed T1w template was provided.</h4> """ ) return str(out_file) def _is_native(value): return value == 'native' def _no_native(value, sloppy=False): try: return int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): return 2 if sloppy else 1 def _drop_path(in_path): from pathlib import Path from templateflow.conf import TF_HOME return str(Path(in_path).relative_to(TF_HOME)) def _fmt_cohort(template, cohort=None): from nipype.interfaces.base import isdefined if cohort and isdefined(cohort): return f'{template}:cohort-{cohort}' return template def _combine_cohort(in_template): if isinstance(in_template, str): template = in_template.split(':')[0] if 'cohort-' not in in_template: return template return f"{template}+{in_template.split('cohort-')[-1].split(':')[0]}" return [_combine_cohort(v) for v in in_template] def _read_json(in_file): from json import loads from pathlib import Path return loads(Path(in_file).read_text())