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Git-Annex and DataLad within containers


Executing BIDS-Apps leveraging DataLad-controlled datasets within containers can be tricky. In particular, one of our general recommendations involves mounting or binding folders into the container in read-only mode, which will disallow DataLad from writing to the dataset tree. Similarly, and depending on the specific runtime settings of the container framework, DataLad may encounter issues with file ownership too. This section guides users through ensuring smooth execution of BIDS-Apps on DataLad/Git-annex-managed datasets.

DataLad and Docker

Apps may be able to identify if the input dataset is handled with DataLad or git-annex, and pull down linked data that has not been fetched yet. One example of one such application is MRIQC, and all the examples on this documentation page will refer to it.

When executing MRIQC within Docker on a DataLad dataset (for instance, installed from OpenNeuro), we will need to ensure the following settings are observed:

  • the user id (uid) who installed the DataLad dataset must match the uid who is executing MRIQC within the container runtime
  • the uid who is executing MRIQC within the container must have sufficient permissions to write in the tree.

Check ReproNim if the suggestions here did not work

The actions suggested here are expected to work in most circumstances, but your system may have specific circumstances that require additional or alternative approaches. For instance, the ReproNim project maintains ReproNim/containers, a DataLad dataset with ready-to-use Singularity images for released BIDS Apps, NeuroDesktop applications, and other containers. Its guides through an approach via that dataset with built-in execution helper taking care about bind-mounts, proxying critical Git configuration and potentially executing Singularity images via Docker (e.g., under OSX).

In the particular case of MRIQC, please consider updating (if necessary) and fetching the required data before execution and then add the --no-datalad-get argument to workaround issues with DataLad.

Setting a regular user's execution uid

If the execution uid does not match the uid of the user who installed the DataLad dataset, we will likely encounter the following error with relatively recent Git versions (+2.35.2):

datalad.runner.exception.CommandError: CommandError: 'git -c diff.ignoreSubmodules=none -c core.quotepath=false -c annex.merge-annex-branches=false annex find --not --in . --json --json-error-messages -c annex.dotfiles=true -- sub-0001/func/sub-0001_task-restingstate_acq-mb3_bold.nii.gz sub-0002/func/sub-0002_task-emomatching_acq-seq_bold.nii.gz sub-0002/func/sub-0002_task-restingstate_acq-mb3_bold.nii.gz sub-0001/func/sub-0001_task-emomatching_acq-seq_bold.nii.gz sub-0001/func/sub-0001_task-faces_acq-mb3_bold.nii.gz sub-0001/dwi/sub-0001_dwi.nii.gz sub-0002/func/sub-0002_task-workingmemory_acq-seq_bold.nii.gz sub-0001/anat/sub-0001_T1w.nii.gz sub-0002/anat/sub-0002_T1w.nii.gz sub-0001/func/sub-0001_task-gstroop_acq-seq_bold.nii.gz sub-0002/func/sub-0002_task-faces_acq-mb3_bold.nii.gz sub-0002/func/sub-0002_task-anticipation_acq-seq_bold.nii.gz sub-0002/dwi/sub-0002_dwi.nii.gz sub-0001/func/sub-0001_task-anticipation_acq-seq_bold.nii.gz sub-0001/func/sub-0001_task-workingmemory_acq-seq_bold.nii.gz sub-0002/func/sub-0002_task-gstroop_acq-seq_bold.nii.gz' failed with exitcode 1 under /data [info keys: stdout_json] [err: 'git-annex: Git refuses to operate in this repository, probably because it is owned by someone else.

To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add /data

git-annex: automatic initialization failed due to above problems']

Confusingly, following the suggestion from DataLad (just propagated from Git) of executing git config --global --add /data will not work in this case, because this line must be executed within the container. However, containers are transient and the setting this configuration on Git will not be propagated between executions unless advanced actions are taken (such as mounting a HOME folder with the necessary settings).

Instead, we can override the default user executing within the container (which is root, or uid = 0). Let's update the last example in the previous Docker execution section:

$ docker run -ti --rm \
    -v $HOME/ds002785:/data:ro \
    -v $HOME/ds002785/derivatives:/out \
    -v $HOME/tmp/ds002785-workdir:/work \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \                   # set execution uid:gid
    nipreps/mriqc:<latest-version> \
    /data /out/mriqc-<latest-version> \
    participant \
    -w /work

The above command line will ensure MRIQC to be executed with the current uid and gid, which will match the filesystem's permissions if the dataset was installed with the same user.

Match uid and gid with those corresponding to the user who installed the dataset

When different users are to install the dataset and execute the application, Docker must be executed with the uid and gid corresponding to the user who installed the dataset. The uid corresponding to a given username (for instance janedoe) can be obtained as follows:

getent passwd "janedoe" | cut -f 3 -d ":"

and her gid:

getent passwd "janedoe" | cut -f 4 -d ":"

Mounting the dataset folder without read-only permissions

If the dataset is protected with read-only permissions, then MRIQC will hit the following error (see nipreps/mriqc#1363):

get(error): sub-0001/func/sub-0001_task-restingstate_acq-mb3_bold.nii.gz (file) [git-annex: .git/annex/tmp: createDirectory: permission denied (Read-only file system)]
action summary:
  get (error: 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/bin/mriqc", line 8, in <module>
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mriqc/cli/", line 43, in main
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mriqc/cli/", line 658, in parse_args
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mriqc/utils/", line 447, in initialize_meta_and_data
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mriqc/utils/", line 282, in _datalad_get
    return get(
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datalad/interface/", line 773, in eval_func
    return return_func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datalad/interface/", line 763, in return_func
    results = list(results)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datalad_next/patches/", line 287, in _execute_command_
    raise IncompleteResultsError( Command did not complete successfully. 1 failed:
[{'action': 'get',
  'annexkey': 'MD5E-s76037251--344f061a3165c71e36b98ad1649c3c8c.nii.gz',
  'error_message': 'git-annex: .git/annex/tmp: createDirectory: permission '
                   'denied (Read-only file system)',
  'path': '/data/sub-0001/func/sub-0001_task-restingstate_acq-mb3_bold.nii.gz',
  'refds': '/data',
  'status': 'error',
  'type': 'file'}]

This error indicates that the container is executed with the appropriate uid and gid pair. In this case, we will need to ensure DataLad can write to the dataset installation when obtaining new data. This is easily achieved by removing the read-only parameters of the mount option:

$ docker run -ti --rm \
    -v $HOME/ds002785:/data \                # mount data WITHOUT :ro
    -v $HOME/ds002785/derivatives:/out \
    -v $HOME/tmp/ds002785-workdir:/work \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \                   # set execution uid:gid
    nipreps/mriqc:<latest-version> \
    /data /out/mriqc-<latest-version> \
    participant \
    -w /work

DataLad and Singularity/Apptainer

In the case of Singularity and Apptainer, ensuring the uid that executes the container involves using user namespace mappings. Therefore, you will need to contact your system administrator to figure out a convenient solution to the problem.

Since most of Singularity/Apptainer deployments automatically bind the user's $HOME directory, DataLad's suggested direction may work:

git config --global --add <path-to-dataset-in-host>

Allowing the container to write on the dataset's tree is straightforward and homologous to Docker, by removing the :ro setting in the binding option (-B).