Source code for niworkflows.anat.freesurfer

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"""FreeSurfer-related workflows."""

from os import getenv
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from nipype.interfaces import io as nio
from nipype.interfaces import freesurfer as fs

from ..interfaces.freesurfer import (
    PatchedRobustRegister as RobustRegister,
from import NormalizeSurf

[docs] def init_gifti_surface_wf( name="gifti_surface_wf", subjects_dir=getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR", None) ): """ Build a Nipype workflow to prepare GIFTI surfaces from FreeSurfer. This workflow prepares GIFTI surfaces from a FreeSurfer subjects directory If midthickness (or graymid) surfaces do not exist, they are generated and saved to the subject directory as ``lh/rh.midthickness``. These, along with the gray/white matter boundary (``lh/rh.white``), pial surfaces (``lh/rh.pial``) and inflated surfaces (``lh/rh.inflated``) are converted to GIFTI files. Additionally, the vertex coordinates are :py:class:`recentered <smriprep.interfaces.NormalizeSurf>` to align with native T1w space. Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from niworkflows.anat.freesurfer import init_gifti_surface_wf wf = init_gifti_surface_wf(subjects_dir="/tmp") Parameters ---------- subjects_dir : str FreeSurfer's ``$SUBJECTS_DIR`` environment variable. name : str Name for the workflow hierarchy of Nipype Inputs ------ in_t1w : str original (pre-``recon-all``), reference T1w image. subject_id : str FreeSurfer subject ID Outputs ------- surfaces : list GIFTI surfaces for gray/white matter boundary, pial surface, midthickness (or graymid) surface, and inflated surfaces. surf_norm : list Normalized (re-centered) GIFTI surfaces aligned in native T1w space, corresponding to the ``surfaces`` output. fsnative_to_t1w_xfm : str LTA formatted affine transform file. """ if subjects_dir is None: raise RuntimeError("``$SUBJECTS_DIR`` must be set") workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(["in_t1w", "subject_id"]), name="inputnode" ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(["surfaces", "surf_norm", "fsnative_to_t1w_xfm"]), name="outputnode", ) fssource = pe.Node( nio.FreeSurferSource(subjects_dir=subjects_dir), name="fssource", run_without_submitting=True, ) fsnative_2_t1_xfm = pe.Node( RobustRegister(auto_sens=True, est_int_scale=True), name="fsnative_2_t1_xfm" ) midthickness = pe.MapNode( MakeMidthickness(thickness=True, distance=0.5, out_name="midthickness"), iterfield="in_file", name="midthickness", ) save_midthickness = pe.Node( nio.DataSink(parameterization=False, base_directory=subjects_dir), name="save_midthickness", run_without_submitting=True, ) surface_list = pe.Node( niu.Merge(4, ravel_inputs=True), name="surface_list", run_without_submitting=True, ) fs_2_gii = pe.MapNode( fs.MRIsConvert(out_datatype="gii"), iterfield="in_file", name="fs_2_gii" ) fix_surfs = pe.MapNode(NormalizeSurf(), iterfield="in_file", name="fix_surfs") # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, fssource, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]), (inputnode, save_midthickness, [("subject_id", "container")]), # Generate fsnative-to-T1w transform (inputnode, fsnative_2_t1_xfm, [("in_t1w", "target_file")]), (fssource, fsnative_2_t1_xfm, [("orig", "source_file")]), # Generate midthickness surfaces and save to FreeSurfer derivatives (fssource, midthickness, [("white", "in_file"), ("graymid", "graymid")]), (midthickness, save_midthickness, [("out_file", "surf.@graymid")]), # Produce valid GIFTI surface files (dense mesh) (fssource, surface_list, [ ("white", "in1"), ("pial", "in2"), ("inflated", "in3"), ]), (save_midthickness, surface_list, [("out_file", "in4")]), (surface_list, fs_2_gii, [("out", "in_file")]), (fs_2_gii, fix_surfs, [("converted", "in_file")]), (fsnative_2_t1_xfm, fix_surfs, [("out_reg_file", "transform_file")]), (fsnative_2_t1_xfm, outputnode, [("out_reg_file", "fsnative_to_t1w_xfm")]), (fix_surfs, outputnode, [("out_file", "surf_norm")]), (fs_2_gii, outputnode, [("converted", "surfaces")]), ]) # fmt: on return workflow