Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.bids

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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Interfaces for handling BIDS-like neuroimaging structures."""
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import suppress
from json import dumps, loads
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import os
import re

import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np

from nipype import logging
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from import add_traits
import templateflow as tf
from .. import data
from ..utils.bids import _init_layout, relative_to_root
from ..utils.images import set_consumables, unsafe_write_nifti_header_and_data
from ..utils.misc import _copy_any, unlink

regz = re.compile(r"\.gz$")
_pybids_spec = loads(data.load.readable("nipreps.json").read_text())
BIDS_DERIV_ENTITIES = _pybids_spec["entities"]
BIDS_DERIV_PATTERNS = tuple(_pybids_spec["default_path_patterns"])

STANDARD_SPACES = tf.api.templates()
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("nipype.interface")

def _none():
    return None

# Automatically coerce certain suffixes (DerivativesDataSink)
DEFAULT_DTYPES = defaultdict(
        ("mask", "uint8"),
        ("dseg", "int16"),
        ("probseg", "float32"),
        ("boldref", "float32"),

class _BIDSBaseInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    bids_dir = traits.Either(
        (None, Directory(exists=True)), usedefault=True, desc="optional bids directory"
    bids_validate = traits.Bool(True, usedefault=True, desc="enable BIDS validator")
    index_db = Directory(exists=True, desc="a PyBIDS layout cache directory")

class _BIDSInfoInputSpec(_BIDSBaseInputSpec):
    in_file = File(mandatory=True, desc="input file, part of a BIDS tree")

class _BIDSInfoOutputSpec(DynamicTraitedSpec):
    subject = traits.Str()
    session = traits.Str()
    task = traits.Str()
    acquisition = traits.Str()
    reconstruction = traits.Str()
    run = traits.Int()
    suffix = traits.Str()

[docs] class BIDSInfo(SimpleInterface): """ Extract BIDS entities from a BIDS-conforming path. This interface uses only the basename, not the path, to determine the subject, session, task, run, acquisition or reconstruction. .. testsetup:: >>> data_dir_canary() >>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), bids_validate=False) >>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = '''\ sub-01/func/ses-retest/sub-01_ses-retest_task-covertverbgeneration_bold.nii.gz''' >>> res = >>> res.outputs <BLANKLINE> acquisition = <undefined> reconstruction = <undefined> run = <undefined> session = retest subject = 01 suffix = bold task = covertverbgeneration <BLANKLINE> >>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), bids_validate=False) >>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = '''\ sub-01/func/ses-retest/sub-01_ses-retest_task-covertverbgeneration_rec-MB_acq-AP_run-01_bold.nii.gz''' >>> res = >>> res.outputs <BLANKLINE> acquisition = AP reconstruction = MB run = 1 session = retest subject = 01 suffix = bold task = covertverbgeneration <BLANKLINE> >>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), bids_validate=False) >>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = '''\ sub-01/func/ses-retest/sub-01_ses-retest_task-covertverbgeneration_acq-AP_run-01_bold.nii.gz''' >>> res = >>> res.outputs <BLANKLINE> acquisition = AP reconstruction = <undefined> run = 1 session = retest subject = 01 suffix = bold task = covertverbgeneration <BLANKLINE> >>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_validate=False) >>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = str( ... datadir / 'ds114' / 'sub-01' / 'ses-retest' / ... 'func' / 'sub-01_ses-retest_task-covertverbgeneration_bold.nii.gz') >>> res = >>> res.outputs <BLANKLINE> acquisition = <undefined> reconstruction = <undefined> run = <undefined> session = retest subject = 01 suffix = bold task = covertverbgeneration <BLANKLINE> >>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_validate=False) >>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = '''\ sub-01/func/ses-retest/sub-01_ses-retest_task-covertverbgeneration_bold.nii.gz''' >>> res = >>> res.outputs <BLANKLINE> acquisition = <undefined> reconstruction = <undefined> run = <undefined> session = retest subject = 01 suffix = bold task = covertverbgeneration <BLANKLINE> """ input_spec = _BIDSInfoInputSpec output_spec = _BIDSInfoOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): from bids.layout import parse_file_entities bids_dir = self.inputs.bids_dir in_file = self.inputs.in_file if bids_dir is not None: try: in_file = str(Path(in_file).relative_to(bids_dir)) except ValueError: pass params = parse_file_entities(in_file) self._results = { key: params.get(key, Undefined) for key in _BIDSInfoOutputSpec().get().keys() } return runtime
class _BIDSDataGrabberInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): subject_data = traits.Dict(Str, traits.Any) subject_id = Str() class _BIDSDataGrabberOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_dict = traits.Dict(desc="output data structure") fmap = OutputMultiObject(desc="output fieldmaps") bold = OutputMultiObject(desc="output functional images") sbref = OutputMultiObject(desc="output sbrefs") t1w = OutputMultiObject(desc="output T1w images") roi = OutputMultiObject(desc="output ROI images") t2w = OutputMultiObject(desc="output T2w images") flair = OutputMultiObject(desc="output FLAIR images") pet = OutputMultiObject(desc="output PET images") dwi = OutputMultiObject(desc="output DWI images") asl = OutputMultiObject(desc="output ASL images")
[docs] class BIDSDataGrabber(SimpleInterface): """ Collect files from a BIDS directory structure. .. testsetup:: >>> data_dir_canary() >>> bids_src = BIDSDataGrabber(anat_only=False) >>> bids_src.inputs.subject_data = bids_collect_data( ... str(datadir / 'ds114'), '01', bids_validate=False)[0] >>> bids_src.inputs.subject_id = '01' >>> res = >>> res.outputs.t1w # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['.../ds114/sub-01/ses-retest/anat/sub-01_ses-retest_T1w.nii.gz', '.../ds114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz'] """ input_spec = _BIDSDataGrabberInputSpec output_spec = _BIDSDataGrabberOutputSpec _require_funcs = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): anat_only = kwargs.pop("anat_only") anat_derivatives = kwargs.pop("anat_derivatives", None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if anat_only is not None: self._require_funcs = not anat_only self._require_t1w = anat_derivatives is None def _run_interface(self, runtime): bids_dict = self.inputs.subject_data self._results["out_dict"] = bids_dict self._results.update(bids_dict) if self._require_t1w and not bids_dict['t1w']: raise FileNotFoundError( "No T1w images found for subject sub-{}".format(self.inputs.subject_id) ) if self._require_funcs and not bids_dict["bold"]: raise FileNotFoundError( "No functional images found for subject sub-{}".format( self.inputs.subject_id ) ) for imtype in ["bold", "t2w", "flair", "fmap", "sbref", "roi", "pet", "asl"]: if not bids_dict[imtype]: 'No "%s" images found for sub-%s', imtype, self.inputs.subject_id ) return runtime
class _DerivativesDataSinkInputSpec(DynamicTraitedSpec, BaseInterfaceInputSpec): base_directory = traits.Directory( desc="Path to the base directory for storing data." ) check_hdr = traits.Bool(True, usedefault=True, desc="fix headers of NIfTI outputs") compress = InputMultiObject( traits.Either(None, traits.Bool), usedefault=True, desc="whether ``in_file`` should be compressed (True), uncompressed (False) " "or left unmodified (None, default).", ) data_dtype = Str( desc="NumPy datatype to coerce NIfTI data to, or `source` to" "match the input file dtype" ) dismiss_entities = InputMultiObject( traits.Either(None, Str), usedefault=True, desc="a list entities that will not be propagated from the source file", ) in_file = InputMultiObject( File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="the object to be saved" ) meta_dict = traits.DictStrAny(desc="an input dictionary containing metadata") source_file = InputMultiObject( File(exists=False), mandatory=True, desc="the source file(s) to extract entities from") class _DerivativesDataSinkOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True, desc="written file path")) out_meta = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True, desc="written JSON sidecar path")) compression = OutputMultiObject( traits.Either(None, traits.Bool), desc="whether ``in_file`` should be compressed (True), uncompressed (False) " "or left unmodified (None).", ) fixed_hdr = traits.List(traits.Bool, desc="whether derivative header was fixed")
[docs] class DerivativesDataSink(SimpleInterface): """ Store derivative files. Saves the ``in_file`` into a BIDS-Derivatives folder provided by ``base_directory``, given the input reference ``source_file``. .. testsetup:: >>> data_dir_canary() >>> import tempfile >>> tmpdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) >>> tmpfile = tmpdir / 'a_temp_file.nii.gz' >>>'w').close() # "touch" the file >>> t1w_source = bids_collect_data( ... str(datadir / 'ds114'), '01', bids_validate=False)[0]['t1w'][0] >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile) >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = t1w_source >>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'denoised' >>> dsink.inputs.compress = False >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../niworkflows/sub-01/ses-retest/anat/sub-01_ses-retest_desc-denoised_T1w.nii' >>> tmpfile = tmpdir / 'a_temp_file.nii' >>>'w').close() # "touch" the file >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False, ... allowed_entities=("custom",)) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile) >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = t1w_source >>> dsink.inputs.custom = 'noise' >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../niworkflows/sub-01/ses-retest/anat/sub-01_ses-retest_custom-noise_T1w.nii' >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False, ... allowed_entities=("custom",)) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = [str(tmpfile), str(tmpfile)] >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = t1w_source >>> dsink.inputs.custom = [1, 2] >>> dsink.inputs.compress = True >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['.../niworkflows/sub-01/ses-retest/anat/sub-01_ses-retest_custom-1_T1w.nii.gz', '.../niworkflows/sub-01/ses-retest/anat/sub-01_ses-retest_custom-2_T1w.nii.gz'] >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False, ... allowed_entities=("custom1", "custom2")) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = [str(tmpfile)] * 2 >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = t1w_source >>> dsink.inputs.custom1 = [1, 2] >>> dsink.inputs.custom2 = "b" >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['.../niworkflows/sub-01/ses-retest/anat/sub-01_ses-retest_custom1-1_custom2-b_T1w.nii', '.../niworkflows/sub-01/ses-retest/anat/sub-01_ses-retest_custom1-2_custom2-b_T1w.nii'] When multiple source files are passed, only common entities are passed down. For example, if two T1w images from different sessions are used to generate a single image, the session entity is removed automatically. >>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' >>> multi_source = [ ... bids_dir / 'sub-02/ses-A/anat/sub-02_ses-A_T1w.nii.gz', ... bids_dir / 'sub-02/ses-B/anat/sub-02_ses-B_T1w.nii.gz'] >>> for source_file in multi_source: ... source_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) ... _ = source_file.write_text("") >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile) >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = list(map(str, multi_source)) >>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc' >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../niworkflows/sub-02/anat/sub-02_desc-preproc_T1w.nii' If, on the other hand, only one is used, the session is preserved: >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(multi_source[0]) >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../niworkflows/sub-02/ses-A/anat/sub-02_ses-A_desc-preproc_T1w.nii' >>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' / 'sub-02' / 'ses-noanat' / 'func' >>> bids_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) >>> tricky_source = bids_dir / 'sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_bold.nii.gz' >>>'w').close() >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile) >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(tricky_source) >>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc' >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../niworkflows/sub-02/ses-noanat/func/sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_\ desc-preproc_bold.nii' >>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' / 'sub-02' / 'ses-noanat' / 'func' >>> bids_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) >>> tricky_source = bids_dir / 'sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_bold.nii.gz' >>>'w').close() >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile) >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(tricky_source) >>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc' >>> dsink.inputs.RepetitionTime = 0.75 >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_meta # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../niworkflows/sub-02/ses-noanat/func/sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_\ desc-preproc_bold.json' >>> Path(res.outputs.out_meta).read_text().splitlines()[1] ' "RepetitionTime": 0.75' >>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' / 'sub-02' / 'ses-noanat' / 'func' >>> bids_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) >>> tricky_source = bids_dir / 'sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_bold.nii.gz' >>>'w').close() >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False, ... SkullStripped=True) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile) >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(tricky_source) >>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc' >>> = 'MNI152NLin6Asym' >>> dsink.inputs.resolution = '01' >>> dsink.inputs.RepetitionTime = 0.75 >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_meta # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../niworkflows/sub-02/ses-noanat/func/sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_\ space-MNI152NLin6Asym_res-01_desc-preproc_bold.json' >>> lines = Path(res.outputs.out_meta).read_text().splitlines() >>> lines[1] ' "RepetitionTime": 0.75,' >>> lines[2] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ' "Resolution": "Template MNI152NLin6Asym (1.0x1.0x1.0 mm^3)...' >>> lines[3] ' "SkullStripped": true' >>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' / 'sub-02' / 'ses-noanat' / 'func' >>> bids_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) >>> tricky_source = bids_dir / 'sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_bold.nii.gz' >>>'w').close() >>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False, ... SkullStripped=True) >>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile) >>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(tricky_source) >>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc' >>> dsink.inputs.resolution = 'native' >>> = 'MNI152NLin6Asym' >>> dsink.inputs.RepetitionTime = 0.75 >>> dsink.inputs.meta_dict = {'RepetitionTime': 1.75, 'SkullStripped': False, 'Z': 'val'} >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_meta # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../niworkflows/sub-02/ses-noanat/func/sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_\ space-MNI152NLin6Asym_desc-preproc_bold.json' >>> lines = Path(res.outputs.out_meta).read_text().splitlines() >>> lines[1] ' "RepetitionTime": 0.75,' >>> lines[2] ' "SkullStripped": true,' >>> lines[3] ' "Z": "val"' """ input_spec = _DerivativesDataSinkInputSpec output_spec = _DerivativesDataSinkOutputSpec out_path_base = "niworkflows" _always_run = True _config_entities = frozenset({e["name"] for e in BIDS_DERIV_ENTITIES}) _config_entities_dict = BIDS_DERIV_ENTITIES _standard_spaces = STANDARD_SPACES _file_patterns = BIDS_DERIV_PATTERNS _default_dtypes = DEFAULT_DTYPES def __init__(self, allowed_entities=None, out_path_base=None, **inputs): """Initialize the SimpleInterface and extend inputs with custom entities.""" self._allowed_entities = set(allowed_entities or []).union( set(self._config_entities) ) if out_path_base: self.out_path_base = out_path_base self._metadata = {} self._static_traits = self.input_spec.class_editable_traits() + sorted( self._allowed_entities ) for dynamic_input in set(inputs) - set(self._static_traits): self._metadata[dynamic_input] = inputs.pop(dynamic_input) # First regular initialization (constructs InputSpec object) super().__init__(**inputs) add_traits(self.inputs, self._allowed_entities) for k in self._allowed_entities.intersection(list(inputs.keys())): # Add additional input fields (self.inputs is an object) setattr(self.inputs, k, inputs[k]) def _run_interface(self, runtime): from bids.layout import parse_file_entities, Config from bids.layout.writing import build_path from bids.utils import listify # Ready the output folder base_directory = runtime.cwd if isdefined(self.inputs.base_directory): base_directory = self.inputs.base_directory base_directory = Path(base_directory).absolute() out_path = base_directory / self.out_path_base out_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Ensure we have a list in_file = listify(self.inputs.in_file) # Read in the dictionary of metadata if isdefined(self.inputs.meta_dict): meta = self.inputs.meta_dict # inputs passed in construction take priority meta.update(self._metadata) self._metadata = meta # Initialize entities with those from the source file. custom_config = Config( name="custom", entities=self._config_entities_dict, default_path_patterns=self._file_patterns, ) in_entities = [ parse_file_entities( str(relative_to_root(source_file)), config=["bids", "derivatives", custom_config], ) for source_file in self.inputs.source_file ] out_entities = {k: v for k, v in in_entities[0].items() if all(ent.get(k) == v for ent in in_entities[1:])} for drop_entity in listify(self.inputs.dismiss_entities or []): out_entities.pop(drop_entity, None) # Override extension with that of the input file(s) out_entities["extension"] = [ # _splitext does not accept .surf.gii (for instance) "".join(Path(orig_file).suffixes).lstrip(".") for orig_file in in_file ] compress = listify(self.inputs.compress) or [None] if len(compress) == 1: compress = compress * len(in_file) for i, ext in enumerate(out_entities["extension"]): if compress[i] is not None: ext = regz.sub("", ext) out_entities["extension"][i] = f"{ext}.gz" if compress[i] else ext # Override entities with those set as inputs for key in self._allowed_entities: value = getattr(self.inputs, key) if value is not None and isdefined(value): out_entities[key] = value # Clean up native resolution with space if out_entities.get("resolution") == "native" and out_entities.get("space"): out_entities.pop("resolution", None) # Expand templateflow resolutions resolution = out_entities.get("resolution") space = out_entities.get("space") if resolution: # Standard spaces if space in self._standard_spaces: res = _get_tf_resolution(space, resolution) else: # TODO: Nonstandard? res = "Unknown" self._metadata['Resolution'] = res if len(set(out_entities["extension"])) == 1: out_entities["extension"] = out_entities["extension"][0] # Insert custom (non-BIDS) entities from allowed_entities. custom_entities = set(out_entities) - set(self._config_entities) patterns = self._file_patterns if custom_entities: # Example: f"{key}-{{{key}}}" -> "task-{task}" custom_pat = "_".join(f"{key}-{{{key}}}" for key in sorted(custom_entities)) patterns = [ pat.replace("_{suffix", "_".join(("", custom_pat, "{suffix"))) for pat in patterns ] # Prepare SimpleInterface outputs object self._results["out_file"] = [] self._results["compression"] = [] self._results["fixed_hdr"] = [False] * len(in_file) dest_files = build_path(out_entities, path_patterns=patterns) if not dest_files: raise ValueError(f"Could not build path with entities {out_entities}.") # Make sure the interpolated values is embedded in a list, and check dest_files = listify(dest_files) if len(in_file) != len(dest_files): raise ValueError( f"Input files ({len(in_file)}) not matched " f"by interpolated patterns ({len(dest_files)})." ) for i, (orig_file, dest_file) in enumerate(zip(in_file, dest_files)): out_file = out_path / dest_file out_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self._results["out_file"].append(str(out_file)) self._results["compression"].append(str(dest_file).endswith(".gz")) # An odd but possible case is that an input file is in the location of # the output and we have made no changes to it. # The primary use case is pre-computed derivatives where the output # directory will be filled in. # From a provenance perspective, I would rather inputs and outputs be # cleanly separated, but that is better handled by warnings at the CLI # level than a crash in a datasink. try: if os.path.samefile(orig_file, out_file): continue except FileNotFoundError: pass # Set data and header iff changes need to be made. If these are # still None when it's time to write, just copy. new_data, new_header = None, None is_nifti = False with suppress(nb.filebasedimages.ImageFileError): is_nifti = isinstance(nb.load(orig_file), nb.Nifti1Image) data_dtype = self.inputs.data_dtype or self._default_dtypes[self.inputs.suffix] if is_nifti and any((self.inputs.check_hdr, data_dtype)): nii = nb.load(orig_file) if self.inputs.check_hdr: hdr = nii.header curr_units = tuple( [None if u == "unknown" else u for u in hdr.get_xyzt_units()] ) curr_codes = (int(hdr["qform_code"]), int(hdr["sform_code"])) # Default to mm, use sec if data type is bold units = ( curr_units[0] or "mm", "sec" if out_entities["suffix"] == "bold" else None, ) xcodes = (1, 1) # Derivative in its original scanner space if xcodes = ( (4, 4) if in self._standard_spaces else (2, 2) ) curr_zooms = zooms = hdr.get_zooms() if "RepetitionTime" in self.inputs.get(): zooms = curr_zooms[:3] + (self.inputs.RepetitionTime,) if (curr_codes, curr_units, curr_zooms) != (xcodes, units, zooms): self._results["fixed_hdr"][i] = True new_header = hdr.copy() new_header.set_qform(nii.affine, xcodes[0]) new_header.set_sform(nii.affine, xcodes[1]) new_header.set_xyzt_units(*units) new_header.set_zooms(zooms) if data_dtype == "source": # match source dtype try: data_dtype = nb.load(self.inputs.source_file[0]).get_data_dtype() except Exception: LOGGER.warning( f"Could not get data type of file {self.inputs.source_file[0]}" ) data_dtype = None if data_dtype: data_dtype = np.dtype(data_dtype) orig_dtype = nii.get_data_dtype() if orig_dtype != data_dtype: LOGGER.warning( f"Changing {out_file} dtype from {orig_dtype} to {data_dtype}" ) # coerce dataobj to new data dtype if np.issubdtype(data_dtype, np.integer): new_data = np.rint(nii.dataobj).astype(data_dtype) else: new_data = np.asanyarray(nii.dataobj, dtype=data_dtype) # and set header to match if new_header is None: new_header = nii.header.copy() new_header.set_data_dtype(data_dtype) del nii unlink(out_file, missing_ok=True) if new_data is new_header is None: _copy_any(orig_file, str(out_file)) else: orig_img = nb.load(orig_file) if new_data is None: set_consumables(new_header, orig_img.dataobj) new_data = orig_img.dataobj.get_unscaled() else: # Without this, we would be writing nans # This is our punishment for hacking around nibabel defaults new_header.set_slope_inter(slope=1., inter=0.) unsafe_write_nifti_header_and_data( fname=out_file, header=new_header, data=new_data ) del orig_img if len(self._results["out_file"]) == 1: meta_fields = self.inputs.copyable_trait_names() self._metadata.update( { k: getattr(self.inputs, k) for k in meta_fields if k not in self._static_traits } ) if self._metadata: sidecar = out_file.parent / f"{'.', 1)[0]}.json" unlink(sidecar, missing_ok=True) sidecar.write_text(dumps(self._metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) self._results["out_meta"] = str(sidecar) return runtime
class _ReadSidecarJSONInputSpec(_BIDSBaseInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the input nifti file") class _ReadSidecarJSONOutputSpec(_BIDSInfoOutputSpec): out_dict = traits.Dict()
[docs] class ReadSidecarJSON(SimpleInterface): """ Read JSON sidecar files of a BIDS tree. .. testsetup:: >>> data_dir_canary() >>> fmap = str(datadir / 'ds054' / 'sub-100185' / 'fmap' / ... 'sub-100185_phasediff.nii.gz') >>> meta = ReadSidecarJSON(in_file=fmap, bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), ... bids_validate=False).run() >>> meta.outputs.subject '100185' >>> meta.outputs.suffix 'phasediff' >>> meta.outputs.out_dict['Manufacturer'] 'SIEMENS' >>> meta = ReadSidecarJSON(in_file=fmap, fields=['Manufacturer'], ... bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), ... bids_validate=False).run() >>> meta.outputs.out_dict['Manufacturer'] 'SIEMENS' >>> meta.outputs.Manufacturer 'SIEMENS' >>> meta.outputs.OtherField # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: >>> meta = ReadSidecarJSON( ... in_file=fmap, fields=['MadeUpField'], ... bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), ... bids_validate=False).run() # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): KeyError: >>> meta = ReadSidecarJSON(in_file=fmap, fields=['MadeUpField'], ... undef_fields=True, ... bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), ... bids_validate=False).run() >>> meta.outputs.MadeUpField <undefined> """ input_spec = _ReadSidecarJSONInputSpec output_spec = _ReadSidecarJSONOutputSpec layout = None _always_run = True def __init__(self, fields=None, undef_fields=False, **inputs): from bids.utils import listify super().__init__(**inputs) self._fields = listify(fields or []) self._undef_fields = undef_fields def _outputs(self): base = super()._outputs() if self._fields: base = add_traits(base, self._fields) return base def _run_interface(self, runtime): self.layout = self.inputs.bids_dir or self.layout self.layout = _init_layout( self.inputs.in_file, self.layout, self.inputs.bids_validate, database_path=( self.inputs.index_db if isdefined(self.inputs.index_db) else None ) ) # Fill in BIDS entities of the output ("*_id") output_keys = list(_BIDSInfoOutputSpec().get().keys()) params = self.layout.parse_file_entities(self.inputs.in_file) self._results = { key: params.get(key.split("_")[0], Undefined) for key in output_keys } # Fill in metadata metadata = self.layout.get_metadata(self.inputs.in_file) self._results["out_dict"] = metadata # Set dynamic outputs if fields input is present for fname in self._fields: if not self._undef_fields and fname not in metadata: raise KeyError( 'Metadata field "%s" not found for file %s' % (fname, self.inputs.in_file) ) self._results[fname] = metadata.get(fname, Undefined) return runtime
class _BIDSFreeSurferDirInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): derivatives = Directory( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="BIDS derivatives directory" ) freesurfer_home = Directory( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="FreeSurfer installation directory" ) subjects_dir = traits.Either( traits.Str(), Directory(), default="freesurfer", usedefault=True, desc="Name of FreeSurfer subjects directory", ) spaces = traits.List(traits.Str, desc="Set of output spaces to prepare") overwrite_fsaverage = traits.Bool( False, usedefault=True, desc="Overwrite fsaverage directories, if present" ) minimum_fs_version = traits.Enum("7.0.0", desc="Minimum FreeSurfer version for compatibility") class _BIDSFreeSurferDirOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): subjects_dir = traits.Directory(exists=True, desc="FreeSurfer subjects directory")
[docs] class BIDSFreeSurferDir(SimpleInterface): """ Prepare a FreeSurfer subjects directory for use in a BIDS context. Constructs a subjects directory path, creating if necessary, and copies fsaverage subjects (if necessary or forced via ``overwrite_fsaverage``) into from the local FreeSurfer distribution. If ``subjects_dir`` is an absolute path, then it is returned as the output ``subjects_dir``. If it is a relative path, it will be resolved relative to the ```derivatives`` directory.` Regardless of the path, if ``fsaverage`` spaces are provided, they will be verified to exist, or copied from ``$FREESURFER_HOME/subjects``, if missing. The output ``subjects_dir`` is intended to be passed to ``ReconAll`` and other FreeSurfer interfaces. """ input_spec = _BIDSFreeSurferDirInputSpec output_spec = _BIDSFreeSurferDirOutputSpec _always_run = True def _run_interface(self, runtime): subjects_dir = Path(self.inputs.subjects_dir) if not subjects_dir.is_absolute(): subjects_dir = Path(self.inputs.derivatives) / subjects_dir subjects_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._results["subjects_dir"] = str(subjects_dir) orig_subjects_dir = Path(self.inputs.freesurfer_home) / "subjects" # Source is target, so just quit if subjects_dir == orig_subjects_dir: return runtime spaces = list(self.inputs.spaces) # Always copy fsaverage, for proper recon-all functionality if "fsaverage" not in spaces: spaces.append("fsaverage") for space in spaces: # Skip non-freesurfer spaces and fsnative if not space.startswith("fsaverage"): continue source = orig_subjects_dir / space dest = subjects_dir / space # Edge case, but give a sensible error if not source.exists(): if dest.exists(): continue else: raise FileNotFoundError("Expected to find '%s' to copy" % source) if ( space == 'fsaverage' and dest.exists() and self.inputs.minimum_fs_version == "7.0.0" ): label = dest / 'label' / 'rh.FG1.mpm.vpnl.label' # new in FS7 if not label.exists(): # remove previous output and let us recopy shutil.rmtree(dest) # Finesse is overrated. Either leave it alone or completely clobber it. if dest.exists() and self.inputs.overwrite_fsaverage: shutil.rmtree(dest) if not dest.exists(): try: # Use copy instead of copy2; copy calls copymode while copy2 calls # copystat, which will preserve atime/mtime. # atime should *not* be copied to avoid triggering processes that # sweep un-accessed files. # If we want to preserve mtime, that will require a new copy function. shutil.copytree(source, dest, copy_function=shutil.copy) except FileExistsError: LOGGER.warning( "%s exists; if multiple jobs are running in parallel" ", this can be safely ignored", dest, ) return runtime
def _get_tf_resolution(space: str, resolution: str) -> str: """ Query templateflow template information to elaborate on template resolution. Examples -------- >>> _get_tf_resolution('MNI152NLin2009cAsym', '01') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 'Template MNI152NLin2009cAsym (1.0x1.0x1.0 mm^3)...' >>> _get_tf_resolution('MNI152NLin2009cAsym', '1') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 'Template MNI152NLin2009cAsym (1.0x1.0x1.0 mm^3)...' >>> _get_tf_resolution('MNI152NLin2009cAsym', '10') 'Unknown' """ metadata = tf.api.get_metadata(space) resolutions = metadata.get('res', {}) res_meta = None # Due to inconsistencies, resolution keys may or may not be zero-padded padded_res = f'{str(resolution):0>2}' for r in (resolution, padded_res): if r in resolutions: res_meta = resolutions[r] if res_meta is None: return "Unknown" def _fmt_xyz(coords: list) -> str: xyz = "x".join([str(c) for c in coords]) return f"{xyz} mm^3" return ( f"Template {space} ({_fmt_xyz(res_meta['zooms'])})," f" curated by TemplateFlow {tf.__version__}" )