Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.freesurfer

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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""FreeSurfer tools interfaces."""

import os.path as op
from pathlib import Path
import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np

from nipype.utils.filemanip import copyfile, filename_to_list, fname_presuffix
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from nipype.interfaces import freesurfer as fs
from nipype.interfaces.base import SimpleInterface
from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer.preprocess import ConcatenateLTA, RobustRegister
from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer.utils import LTAConvert
from .reportlets.registration import BBRegisterRPT, MRICoregRPT

[docs] class StructuralReference(fs.RobustTemplate): """ Shortcut RobustTemplate with a copy of the source if a single volume is provided. .. testsetup:: >>> data_dir_canary() Examples -------- >>> t1w = bids_collect_data( ... str(datadir / 'ds114'), '01', bids_validate=False)[0]['t1w'] >>> template = StructuralReference() >>> template.inputs.in_files = t1w >>> template.inputs.auto_detect_sensitivity = True >>> template.cmdline # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 'mri_robust_template --satit --mov .../sub-01_ses-retest_T1w.nii.gz .../sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz --template mri_robust_template_out.mgz' """ def _num_vols(self): n_files = len(self.inputs.in_files) if n_files != 1: return n_files img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_files[0]) if len(img.shape) == 3: return 1 return img.shape[3] @property def cmdline(self): if self._num_vols() == 1: return "echo Only one time point!" return super().cmdline def _list_outputs(self): outputs = super()._list_outputs() if self._num_vols() == 1: in_file = self.inputs.in_files[0] outputs["out_file"] = in_file if isdefined(outputs["transform_outputs"]): transform_file = outputs["transform_outputs"][0] fs.utils.LTAConvert( in_lta="identity.nofile", source_file=in_file, target_file=in_file, out_lta=transform_file, ).run() return outputs
class _MakeMidthicknessInputSpec(fs.utils.MRIsExpandInputSpec): graymid = InputMultiPath(desc="Existing graymid/midthickness file")
[docs] class MakeMidthickness(fs.MRIsExpand): """ Variation on MRIsExpand that checks for an existing midthickness/graymid surface. ``mris_expand`` is an expensive operation, so this avoids re-running it when the working directory is lost. If users provide their own midthickness/graymid file, we assume they have created it correctly. """ input_spec = _MakeMidthicknessInputSpec @property def cmdline(self): cmd = super().cmdline if not isdefined(self.inputs.graymid) or len(self.inputs.graymid) < 1: return cmd # Possible graymid values include {l,r}h.{graymid,midthickness} # Prefer midthickness to graymid, require to be of the same hemisphere # as input source = None in_base = Path(self.inputs.in_file).name mt = self._associated_file(in_base, "midthickness") gm = self._associated_file(in_base, "graymid") for surf in self.inputs.graymid: if Path(surf).name == mt: source = surf break if Path(surf).name == gm: source = surf if source is None: return cmd return "cp {} {}".format(source, self._list_outputs()["out_file"])
class _FSInjectBrainExtractedInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): subjects_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR") subject_id = traits.Str(mandatory=True, desc="Subject ID") in_brain = File(mandatory=True, exists=True, desc="input file, part of a BIDS tree") class _FSInjectBrainExtractedOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): subjects_dir = Directory(desc="FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR") subject_id = traits.Str(desc="Subject ID")
[docs] class FSInjectBrainExtracted(SimpleInterface): input_spec = _FSInjectBrainExtractedInputSpec output_spec = _FSInjectBrainExtractedOutputSpec _always_run = True def _run_interface(self, runtime): subjects_dir, subject_id = inject_skullstripped( self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.in_brain ) self._results["subjects_dir"] = subjects_dir self._results["subject_id"] = subject_id return runtime
class _FSDetectInputsInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): t1w_list = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="input file, part of a BIDS tree" ) t2w_list = InputMultiPath(File(exists=True), desc="input file, part of a BIDS tree") flair_list = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc="input file, part of a BIDS tree" ) hires_enabled = traits.Bool( True, usedefault=True, desc="enable hi-resolution processing" ) class _FSDetectInputsOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): t2w = File(desc="reference T2w image") use_t2w = traits.Bool(desc="enable use of T2w downstream computation") flair = File(desc="reference FLAIR image") use_flair = traits.Bool(desc="enable use of FLAIR downstream computation") hires = traits.Bool(desc="enable hi-res processing") mris_inflate = traits.Str(desc="mris_inflate argument")
[docs] class FSDetectInputs(SimpleInterface): input_spec = _FSDetectInputsInputSpec output_spec = _FSDetectInputsOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): t2w, flair, self._results["hires"], mris_inflate = detect_inputs( self.inputs.t1w_list, t2w_list=self.inputs.t2w_list if isdefined(self.inputs.t2w_list) else None, flair_list=self.inputs.flair_list if isdefined(self.inputs.flair_list) else None, hires_enabled=self.inputs.hires_enabled, ) self._results["use_t2w"] = t2w is not None if self._results["use_t2w"]: self._results["t2w"] = t2w self._results["use_flair"] = flair is not None if self._results["use_flair"]: self._results["flair"] = flair if self._results["hires"]: self._results["mris_inflate"] = mris_inflate return runtime
[docs] class TruncateLTA: """ Truncate long filenames in LTA files. Mixin to ensure that LTA files do not store overly long paths, which lead to segmentation faults when read by FreeSurfer tools. See the following issues for discussion: * * * * * """ # Use a tuple in case some object produces multiple transforms lta_outputs = ("out_lta_file",) def _post_run_hook(self, runtime): outputs = self._list_outputs() for lta_name in self.lta_outputs: lta_file = outputs[lta_name] if not isdefined(lta_file): continue fix_lta_length(lta_file) runtime = super()._post_run_hook(runtime) return runtime
[docs] class PatchedConcatenateLTA(TruncateLTA, ConcatenateLTA): """ A temporarily patched version of ``fs.ConcatenateLTA`` to recover from `this bug <>`_ in FreeSurfer, that was `fixed here <>`__. The original fMRIPrep's issue is found `here <>`__. the fix is now done through mixin with TruncateLTA """ lta_outputs = ["out_file"]
[docs] class PatchedLTAConvert(TruncateLTA, LTAConvert): """ LTAconvert is producing a lta file refer as out_lta truncate filename through mixin TruncateLTA """ lta_outputs = ("out_lta",)
[docs] class PatchedBBRegisterRPT(TruncateLTA, BBRegisterRPT): pass
[docs] class PatchedMRICoregRPT(TruncateLTA, MRICoregRPT): pass
[docs] class PatchedRobustRegister(TruncateLTA, RobustRegister): lta_outputs = ("out_reg_file", "half_source_xfm", "half_targ_xfm")
class _RefineBrainMaskInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_anat = File( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input anatomical reference (INU corrected)" ) in_aseg = File( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input ``aseg`` file, in NifTi format." ) in_ants = File( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="brain tissue segmentation generated with", ) class _RefineBrainMaskOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="new mask")
[docs] class RefineBrainMask(SimpleInterface): """ Refine the brain mask implicit in the ``aseg.mgz`` file to include possibly missing gray-matter voxels and deep, wide sulci. """ input_spec = _RefineBrainMaskInputSpec output_spec = _RefineBrainMaskOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): self._results["out_file"] = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_anat, suffix="_rbrainmask", newpath=runtime.cwd ) anatnii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_anat) msknii = nb.Nifti1Image( grow_mask( anatnii.get_fdata(dtype="float32"), np.asanyarray(nb.load(self.inputs.in_aseg).dataobj).astype("int16"), np.asanyarray(nb.load(self.inputs.in_ants).dataobj).astype("int16"), ), anatnii.affine, anatnii.header, ) msknii.set_data_dtype(np.uint8) msknii.to_filename(self._results["out_file"]) return runtime
class _MedialNaNsInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input surface file") subjects_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc="FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR") density = traits.Enum("32k", "59k", "164k", desc="Input file density (fsLR only)") class _MedialNaNsOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(desc="the output surface file")
[docs] class MedialNaNs(SimpleInterface): """Convert values on medial wall to NaNs.""" input_spec = _MedialNaNsInputSpec output_spec = _MedialNaNsOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): self._results["out_file"] = medial_wall_to_nan( self.inputs.in_file, self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.density, newpath=runtime.cwd, ) return runtime
[docs] def fix_lta_length(lta_file): """ Fix the length of the filename field in an LTA file if too long. Updates file in place. Examples -------- No changes are made to a valid transform file: >>> valid_transform = Path(test_data) / 'valid_transform.lta' >>> orig_contents = valid_transform.read_text() >>> fix_lta_length(valid_transform) False >>> valid_transform.read_text() == orig_contents True Invalid transform files are files with > 255 characters in any line: >>> invalid_transform = Path(test_data) / 'long_path_transform.lta' >>> orig_contents = invalid_transform.read_text() >>> any(len(line) > 255 for line in orig_contents.splitlines(keepends=True)) True >>> local_copy = Path('invalid.lta') >>> local_copy.write_text(orig_contents) 2120 >>> fix_lta_length(local_copy) True >>> local_copy.read_text() == orig_contents False """ lines = Path(lta_file).read_text().splitlines(keepends=True) fixed = False newfile = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith("filename = ") and len(line.strip("\n")) >= 255: fixed = True newfile.append("filename = path_too_long\n") else: newfile.append(line) if fixed: Path(lta_file).write_text("".join(newfile)) return fixed
[docs] def inject_skullstripped(subjects_dir, subject_id, skullstripped): from nilearn.image import resample_to_img, new_img_like mridir = op.join(subjects_dir, subject_id, "mri") t1 = op.join(mridir, "T1.mgz") bm_auto = op.join(mridir, "") bm = op.join(mridir, "brainmask.mgz") if not op.exists(bm_auto): img = nb.load(t1) mask = nb.load(skullstripped) bmask = new_img_like(mask, np.asanyarray(mask.dataobj) > 0) resampled_mask = resample_to_img(bmask, img, "nearest") masked_image = new_img_like( img, np.asanyarray(img.dataobj) * resampled_mask.dataobj ) masked_image.to_filename(bm_auto) if not op.exists(bm): copyfile(bm_auto, bm, copy=True, use_hardlink=True) return subjects_dir, subject_id
[docs] def detect_inputs(t1w_list, t2w_list=None, flair_list=None, hires_enabled=True): t1w_list = filename_to_list(t1w_list) t2w_list = filename_to_list(t2w_list) if t2w_list is not None else [] flair_list = filename_to_list(flair_list) if flair_list is not None else [] t1w_ref = nb.load(t1w_list[0]) # Use high resolution preprocessing if voxel size < 1.0mm # Tolerance of 0.05mm requires that rounds down to 0.9mm or lower hires = hires_enabled and max(t1w_ref.header.get_zooms()) < 1 - 0.05 t2w = None if t2w_list and max(nb.load(t2w_list[0]).header.get_zooms()) < 1.2: t2w = t2w_list[0] # Prefer T2w to FLAIR if both present and T2w satisfies flair = None if flair_list and not t2w and max(nb.load(flair_list[0]).header.get_zooms()) < 1.2: flair = flair_list[0] # mris_inflate = "-n 50" if hires else None return (t2w, flair, hires, mris_inflate)
[docs] def refine_aseg(aseg, ball_size=4): """ Refine the ``aseg.mgz`` mask of Freesurfer. First step to reconcile ANTs' and FreeSurfer's brain masks. Here, the ``aseg.mgz`` mask from FreeSurfer is refined in two steps, using binary morphological operations: 1. With a binary closing operation the sulci are included into the mask. This results in a smoother brain mask that does not exclude deep, wide sulci. 2. Fill any holes (typically, there could be a hole next to the pineal gland and the corpora quadrigemina if the great cerebral brain is segmented out). """ from skimage import morphology as sim from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes # Read aseg data bmask = aseg.copy() bmask[bmask > 0] = 1 bmask = bmask.astype(np.uint8) # Morphological operations selem = sim.ball(ball_size) newmask = sim.binary_closing(bmask, selem) newmask = binary_fill_holes(newmask.astype(np.uint8), selem).astype(np.uint8) return newmask.astype(np.uint8)
[docs] def grow_mask(anat, aseg, ants_segs=None, ww=7, zval=2.0, bw=4): """ Grow mask including pixels that have a high likelihood. GM tissue parameters are sampled in image patches of ``ww`` size. This is inspired on mindboggle's solution to the problem: """ from skimage import morphology as sim selem = sim.ball(bw) if ants_segs is None: ants_segs = np.zeros_like(aseg, dtype=np.uint8) aseg[aseg == 42] = 3 # Collapse both hemispheres gm = anat.copy() gm[aseg != 3] = 0 refined = refine_aseg(aseg) newrefmask = sim.binary_dilation(refined, selem) - refined indices = np.argwhere(newrefmask > 0) for pixel in indices: # When ATROPOS identified the pixel as GM, set and carry on if ants_segs[tuple(pixel)] == 2: refined[tuple(pixel)] = 1 continue window = gm[ pixel[0] - ww:pixel[0] + ww, pixel[1] - ww:pixel[1] + ww, pixel[2] - ww:pixel[2] + ww, ] if np.any(window > 0): mu = window[window > 0].mean() sigma = max(window[window > 0].std(), 1.0e-5) zstat = abs(anat[tuple(pixel)] - mu) / sigma refined[tuple(pixel)] = int(zstat < zval) refined = sim.binary_opening(refined, selem) return refined
[docs] def medial_wall_to_nan(in_file, subjects_dir, den=None, newpath=None): """Convert values on medial wall to NaNs.""" import os import nibabel as nb import numpy as np import templateflow.api as tf fn = os.path.basename(in_file) target_subject = in_file.split(".")[1] if not target_subject.startswith("fs"): return in_file func = nb.load(in_file) if target_subject.startswith("fsaverage"): cortex = nb.freesurfer.read_label( os.path.join( subjects_dir, target_subject, "label", "{}.cortex.label".format(fn[:2]) ) ) medial = np.delete(np.arange(len(func.darrays[0].data)), cortex) elif target_subject == "fslr" and den is not None: hemi = fn[0].upper() label_file = str( tf.get("fsLR", hemi=hemi, desc="nomedialwall", density=den, suffix="dparc") ) label = nb.load(label_file) medial = np.invert(label.darrays[0].data.astype(bool)) else: return in_file for darray in func.darrays:[medial] = np.nan out_file = os.path.join(newpath or os.getcwd(), fn) func.to_filename(out_file) return out_file
[docs] def mri_info(fname, argument): import subprocess as sp import numpy as np cmd_info = "mri_info --%s %s" % (argument, fname) proc = sp.Popen(cmd_info, stdout=sp.PIPE, shell=True) data = bytearray( mstring = np.fromstring(data.decode("utf-8"), sep="\n") result = np.reshape(mstring, (4, -1)) return result