Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.reportlets.masks

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"""ReportCapableInterfaces for masks tools."""
import os
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb

from nipype.interfaces import fsl, ants
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from nipype.interfaces.mixins import reporting
from nipype.algorithms import confounds
from ... import NIWORKFLOWS_LOG
from . import base as nrb

class _BETInputSpecRPT(nrb._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, fsl.preprocess.BETInputSpec):

class _BETOutputSpecRPT(
    reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, fsl.preprocess.BETOutputSpec

[docs] class BETRPT(nrb.SegmentationRC, fsl.BET): input_spec = _BETInputSpecRPT output_spec = _BETOutputSpecRPT def _run_interface(self, runtime): if self.generate_report: self.inputs.mask = True return super()._run_interface(runtime) def _post_run_hook(self, runtime): """generates a report showing slices from each axis of an arbitrary volume of in_file, with the resulting binary brain mask overlaid""" self._anat_file = self.inputs.in_file self._mask_file = self.aggregate_outputs(runtime=runtime).mask_file self._seg_files = [self._mask_file] self._masked = self.inputs.mask 'Generating report for BET. file "%s", and mask file "%s"', self._anat_file, self._mask_file, ) return super()._post_run_hook(runtime)
class _BrainExtractionInputSpecRPT( nrb._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, ants.segmentation.BrainExtractionInputSpec ): pass class _BrainExtractionOutputSpecRPT( reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, ants.segmentation.BrainExtractionOutputSpec ): pass
[docs] class BrainExtractionRPT(nrb.SegmentationRC, ants.segmentation.BrainExtraction): input_spec = _BrainExtractionInputSpecRPT output_spec = _BrainExtractionOutputSpecRPT def _post_run_hook(self, runtime): """ generates a report showing slices from each axis """ brain_extraction_mask = self.aggregate_outputs( runtime=runtime ).BrainExtractionMask if ( isdefined(self.inputs.keep_temporary_files) and self.inputs.keep_temporary_files == 1 ): self._anat_file = self.aggregate_outputs(runtime=runtime).N4Corrected0 else: self._anat_file = self.inputs.anatomical_image self._mask_file = brain_extraction_mask self._seg_files = [brain_extraction_mask] self._masked = False 'Generating report for ANTS BrainExtraction. file "%s", mask "%s"', self._anat_file, self._mask_file, ) return super()._post_run_hook(runtime)
class _ACompCorInputSpecRPT(nrb._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, confounds.CompCorInputSpec): pass class _ACompCorOutputSpecRPT( reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, confounds.CompCorOutputSpec ): pass
[docs] class ACompCorRPT(nrb.SegmentationRC, confounds.ACompCor): input_spec = _ACompCorInputSpecRPT output_spec = _ACompCorOutputSpecRPT def _post_run_hook(self, runtime): """ generates a report showing slices from each axis """ if len(self.inputs.mask_files) != 1: raise ValueError( "ACompCorRPT only supports a single input mask. " "A list %s was found." % self.inputs.mask_files ) self._anat_file = self.inputs.realigned_file self._mask_file = self.inputs.mask_files[0] self._seg_files = self.inputs.mask_files self._masked = False 'Generating report for aCompCor. file "%s", mask "%s"', self.inputs.realigned_file, self._mask_file, ) return super()._post_run_hook(runtime)
class _TCompCorInputSpecRPT( nrb._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, confounds.TCompCorInputSpec ): pass class _TCompCorOutputSpecRPT( reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, confounds.TCompCorOutputSpec ): pass
[docs] class TCompCorRPT(nrb.SegmentationRC, confounds.TCompCor): input_spec = _TCompCorInputSpecRPT output_spec = _TCompCorOutputSpecRPT def _post_run_hook(self, runtime): """ generates a report showing slices from each axis """ high_variance_masks = self.aggregate_outputs( runtime=runtime ).high_variance_masks if isinstance(high_variance_masks, list): raise ValueError( "TCompCorRPT only supports a single output high variance mask. " "A list %s was found." % high_variance_masks ) self._anat_file = self.inputs.realigned_file self._mask_file = high_variance_masks self._seg_files = [high_variance_masks] self._masked = False 'Generating report for tCompCor. file "%s", mask "%s"', self.inputs.realigned_file, self.aggregate_outputs(runtime=runtime).high_variance_masks, ) return super()._post_run_hook(runtime)
class _SimpleShowMaskInputSpec(nrb._SVGReportCapableInputSpec): background_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="file before") mask_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="file before")
[docs] class SimpleShowMaskRPT(nrb.SegmentationRC, nrb.ReportingInterface): input_spec = _SimpleShowMaskInputSpec def _post_run_hook(self, runtime): self._anat_file = self.inputs.background_file self._mask_file = self.inputs.mask_file self._seg_files = [self.inputs.mask_file] self._masked = True return super()._post_run_hook(runtime)
class _ROIsPlotInputSpecRPT(nrb._SVGReportCapableInputSpec): in_file = File( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the volume where ROIs are defined" ) in_rois = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="a list of regions to be plotted" ) in_mask = File(exists=True, desc="a special region, eg. the brain mask") masked = traits.Bool(False, usedefault=True, desc="mask in_file prior plotting") colors = traits.Either( None, traits.List(Str), usedefault=True, desc="use specific colors for contours" ) levels = traits.Either( None, traits.List(traits.Float), usedefault=True, desc="pass levels to nilearn.plotting", ) mask_color = Str("r", usedefault=True, desc="color for mask")
[docs] class ROIsPlot(nrb.ReportingInterface): input_spec = _ROIsPlotInputSpecRPT def _generate_report(self): from seaborn import color_palette from niworkflows.viz.utils import plot_segs, compose_view seg_files = self.inputs.in_rois mask_file = None if not isdefined(self.inputs.in_mask) else self.inputs.in_mask # Remove trait decoration and replace None with [] levels = [level for level in self.inputs.levels or []] colors = [c for c in self.inputs.colors or []] if len(seg_files) == 1: # in_rois is a segmentation nsegs = len(levels) if nsegs == 0: levels = np.unique( np.round(nb.load(seg_files[0]).get_fdata(dtype="float32")) ) levels = (levels[levels > 0] - 0.5).tolist() nsegs = len(levels) levels = [levels] missing = nsegs - len(colors) if missing > 0: colors = colors + color_palette("husl", missing) colors = [colors] else: # in_rois is a list of masks nsegs = len(seg_files) levels = [[0.5]] * nsegs missing = nsegs - len(colors) if missing > 0: colors = [[c] for c in colors + color_palette("husl", missing)] if mask_file: seg_files.insert(0, mask_file) if levels: levels.insert(0, [0.5]) colors.insert(0, [self.inputs.mask_color]) nsegs += 1 self._out_report = os.path.abspath(self.inputs.out_report) compose_view( plot_segs( image_nii=self.inputs.in_file, seg_niis=seg_files, bbox_nii=mask_file, levels=levels, colors=colors, out_file=self.inputs.out_report, masked=self.inputs.masked, compress=self.inputs.compress_report, ), fg_svgs=None, out_file=self._out_report, )