Source code for niworkflows.viz.plots

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"""Plotting tools shared across MRIQC and fMRIPrep."""

import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colormaps
from matplotlib import gridspec as mgs
import as cm
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.colorbar import ColorbarBase

DINA4_LANDSCAPE = (11.69, 8.27)

[docs] class fMRIPlot: """Generates the fMRI Summary Plot.""" __slots__ = ( "timeseries", "segments", "tr", "confounds", "spikes", "nskip", "sort_carpet", "paired_carpet", ) def __init__( self, timeseries, segments, confounds=None, conf_file=None, tr=None, usecols=None, units=None, vlines=None, spikes_files=None, nskip=0, sort_carpet=True, paired_carpet=False, ): self.timeseries = timeseries self.segments = segments = tr self.nskip = nskip self.sort_carpet = sort_carpet self.paired_carpet = paired_carpet if units is None: units = {} if vlines is None: vlines = {} self.confounds = {} if confounds is None and conf_file: confounds = pd.read_csv(conf_file, sep=r"[\t\s]+", usecols=usecols, index_col=False) if confounds is not None: for name in confounds.columns: self.confounds[name] = { "values": confounds[[name]].values.squeeze().tolist(), "units": units.get(name), "cutoff": vlines.get(name), } self.spikes = [] if spikes_files: for sp_file in spikes_files: self.spikes.append((np.loadtxt(sp_file), None, False))
[docs] def plot(self, figure=None): """Main plotter""" import seaborn as sns sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=0.8) if figure is None: figure = plt.gcf() nconfounds = len(self.confounds) nspikes = len(self.spikes) nrows = 1 + nconfounds + nspikes # Create grid grid = mgs.GridSpec( nrows, 1, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.05, height_ratios=[1] * (nrows - 1) + [5] ) grid_id = 0 for tsz, name, iszs in self.spikes: spikesplot(tsz, title=name, outer_gs=grid[grid_id],, zscored=iszs) grid_id += 1 if self.confounds: from seaborn import color_palette palette = color_palette("husl", nconfounds) for i, (name, kwargs) in enumerate(self.confounds.items()): tseries = kwargs.pop("values") confoundplot(tseries, grid[grid_id],, color=palette[i], name=name, **kwargs) grid_id += 1 plot_carpet( self.timeseries, segments=self.segments, subplot=grid[-1],, sort_rows=self.sort_carpet, drop_trs=self.nskip, cmap="paired" if self.paired_carpet else None, ) return figure
[docs] def plot_carpet( data, segments=None, cmap=None, tr=None, detrend=True, subplot=None, title=None, output_file=None, size=(900, 1200), sort_rows="ward", drop_trs=0, legend=True, ): """ Plot an image representation of voxel intensities across time. This kind of plot is known as "carpet plot" or "Power plot". See Jonathan Power Neuroimage 2017 Jul 1; 154:150-158. Parameters ---------- data : N x T :obj:`numpy.array` The functional data to be plotted (*N* sampling locations by *T* timepoints). segments: :obj:`dict`, optional A mapping between segment labels (e.g., `"Left Cortex"`) and list of indexes in the data array. cmap : colormap Overrides the generation of an automated colormap. tr : float , optional Specify the TR, if specified it uses this value. If left as None, # of frames is plotted instead of time. detrend : :obj:`bool`, optional Detrend and standardize the data prior to plotting. subplot : matplotlib subplot, optional Subplot to plot figure on. title : string, optional The title displayed on the figure. output_file : string, or None, optional The name of an image file to export the plot to. Valid extensions are .png, .pdf, .svg. If output_file is not None, the plot is saved to a file, and the display is closed. size : :obj:`tuple` Maximum number of samples to plot (voxels, timepoints) sort_rows : :obj:`str` or :obj:`False` or :obj:`None` Apply a clustering algorithm to reorganize the rows of the carpet. ``""``, ``False``, and ``None`` skip clustering sorting. ``"linkage"`` uses linkage hierarchical clustering :obj:`scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`. Any other value that Python evaluates to ``True`` will use the default clustering, which is :obj:`sklearn.cluster.ward_tree`. """ if segments is None: segments = { "whole brain (voxels)": list(range(data.shape[0])) } if len(segments) == 1: legend = False if cmap is None: colors = colormaps["tab10"].colors elif cmap == "paired": colors = list(colormaps["Paired"].colors) colors[0], colors[1] = colors[1], colors[0] colors[2], colors[7] = colors[7], colors[2] if detrend: from nilearn.signal import clean data = clean(data.T, t_r=tr, filter=False).T # We want all subplots to have the same dynamic range vminmax = (np.percentile(data, 2), np.percentile(data, 98)) # Decimate number of time-series before clustering n_dec = int((1.8 * data.shape[0]) // size[0]) if n_dec > 1: segments = { lab: idx[::n_dec] for lab, idx in segments.items() if np.array(idx).shape >= (1,) } # Cluster segments (if argument enabled) if sort_rows: from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram from sklearn.cluster import ward_tree for seg_label, seg_idx in segments.items(): # In debugging cases, we might have ROIs too small to have enough rows to sort if len(seg_idx) < 2: continue roi_data = data[seg_idx] if isinstance(sort_rows, str) and sort_rows.lower() == "linkage": linkage_matrix = linkage( roi_data, method="average", metric="euclidean", optimal_ordering=True ) else: children, _, n_leaves, _, distances = ward_tree(roi_data, return_distance=True) linkage_matrix = _ward_to_linkage(children, n_leaves, distances) dn = dendrogram(linkage_matrix, no_plot=True) # Override the ordering of the indices in this segment segments[seg_label] = np.array(seg_idx)[np.array(dn["leaves"])] # If subplot is not defined if subplot is None: subplot = mgs.GridSpec(1, 1)[0] # Length before decimation n_trs = data.shape[-1] - drop_trs # Calculate time decimation factor t_dec = max(int((1.8 * n_trs) // size[1]), 1) data = data[:, drop_trs::t_dec] # Define nested GridSpec gs = mgs.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( len(segments), 1, subplot_spec=subplot, hspace=0.05, height_ratios=[len(v) for v in segments.values()] ) for i, (label, indices) in enumerate(segments.items()): # Carpet plot ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) ax.imshow( data[indices, :], interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto", cmap="gray", vmin=vminmax[0], vmax=vminmax[1], ) # Toggle the spine objects ax.spines["top"].set_color("none") ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_color("none") ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) # Make colored left axis ax.spines["left"].set_linewidth(3) ax.spines["left"].set_color(colors[i]) ax.spines["left"].set_capstyle("butt") ax.spines["left"].set_position(("outward", 2)) # Make all subplots have same xticks xticks = np.linspace(0, data.shape[-1], endpoint=True, num=7) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.grid(False) if i == (len(segments) - 1): xlabel = "time-points (index)" xticklabels = (xticks * n_trs / data.shape[-1]).astype("uint32") + drop_trs if tr is not None: xlabel = "time (mm:ss)" xticklabels = [ f"{int(t // 60):02d}:{(t % 60).round(0).astype(int):02d}" for t in (tr * xticklabels) ] ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) ax.spines["bottom"].set_position(("outward", 5)) ax.spines["bottom"].set_color("k") ax.spines["bottom"].set_linewidth(.8) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.spines["bottom"].set_color("none") ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) if title and i == 0: ax.set_title(title) if len(segments) == 1: ax.set_ylabel(label) if legend: from matplotlib.patches import Patch from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes axlegend = inset_axes( ax, width="100%", height=0.01, loc='lower center', borderpad=-4.1, ) axlegend.grid(False) axlegend.set_xticks([]) axlegend.set_yticks([]) axlegend.patch.set_alpha(0.0) for loc in ("top", "bottom", "left", "right"): axlegend.spines[loc].set_color("none") axlegend.spines[loc].set_visible(False) axlegend.legend( handles=[ Patch(color=colors[i], label=l) for i, l in enumerate(segments.keys()) ], loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0), shadow=False, fancybox=False, ncol=min(len(segments.keys()), 5), frameon=False, prop={'size': 8} ) if output_file is not None: figure = plt.gcf() figure.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(figure) figure = None return output_file return gs
[docs] def spikesplot( ts_z, outer_gs=None, tr=None, zscored=True, spike_thresh=6.0, title="Spike plot", ax=None, cmap="viridis", hide_x=True, nskip=0, ): """ A spikes plot. Thanks to Bob Dogherty (this docstring needs be improved with proper ack) """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if outer_gs is not None: gs = mgs.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 1, 2, subplot_spec=outer_gs, width_ratios=[1, 100], wspace=0.0 ) ax = plt.subplot(gs[1]) # Define TR and number of frames if tr is None: tr = 1.0 # Load timeseries, zscored slice-wise nslices = ts_z.shape[0] ntsteps = ts_z.shape[1] # Load a colormap my_cmap = colormaps[cmap] norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=float(nslices - 1)) colors = [my_cmap(norm(sl)) for sl in range(nslices)] stem = len(np.unique(ts_z).tolist()) == 2 # Plot one line per axial slice timeseries for sl in range(nslices): if not stem: ax.plot(ts_z[sl, :], color=colors[sl], lw=0.5) else: markerline, stemlines, baseline = ax.stem(ts_z[sl, :]) plt.setp(markerline, "markerfacecolor", colors[sl]) plt.setp(baseline, "color", colors[sl], "linewidth", 1) plt.setp(stemlines, "color", colors[sl], "linewidth", 1) # Handle X, Y axes ax.grid(False) # Handle X axis last = ntsteps - 1 ax.set_xlim(0, last) xticks = list(range(0, last)[::20]) + [last] if not hide_x else [] ax.set_xticks(xticks) if not hide_x: if tr is None: ax.set_xlabel("time (frame #)") else: ax.set_xlabel("time (s)") ax.set_xticklabels(["%.02f" % t for t in (tr * np.array(xticks)).tolist()]) # Handle Y axis ylabel = "slice-wise noise average on background" if zscored: ylabel += " (z-scored)" zs_max = np.abs(ts_z).max() ax.set_ylim( ( -(np.abs(ts_z[:, nskip:]).max()) * 1.05, (np.abs(ts_z[:, nskip:]).max()) * 1.05, ) ) ytick_vals = np.arange(0.0, zs_max, float(np.floor(zs_max / 2.0))) yticks = list(reversed((-1.0 * ytick_vals[ytick_vals > 0]).tolist())) + ytick_vals.tolist() # TODO plot min/max or mark spikes # yticks.insert(0, ts_z.min()) # yticks += [ts_z.max()] for val in ytick_vals: ax.plot((0, ntsteps - 1), (-val, -val), "k:", alpha=0.2) ax.plot((0, ntsteps - 1), (val, val), "k:", alpha=0.2) # Plot spike threshold if zs_max < spike_thresh: ax.plot((0, ntsteps - 1), (-spike_thresh, -spike_thresh), "k:") ax.plot((0, ntsteps - 1), (spike_thresh, spike_thresh), "k:") else: yticks = [ ts_z[:, nskip:].min(), np.median(ts_z[:, nskip:]), ts_z[:, nskip:].max(), ] ax.set_ylim(0, max(yticks[-1] * 1.05, (yticks[-1] - yticks[0]) * 2.0 + yticks[-1])) # ax.set_ylim(ts_z[:, nskip:].min() * 0.95, # ts_z[:, nskip:].max() * 1.05) ax.annotate( ylabel, xy=(0.0, 0.7), xycoords="axes fraction", xytext=(0, 0), textcoords="offset points", va="center", ha="left", color="gray", size=4, bbox={ "boxstyle": "round", "fc": "w", "ec": "none", "color": "none", "lw": 0, "alpha": 0.8, }, ) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) # if yticks: # # ax.set_yticks(yticks) # # ax.set_yticklabels(['%.02f' % y for y in yticks]) # # Plot maximum and minimum horizontal lines # ax.plot((0, ntsteps - 1), (yticks[0], yticks[0]), 'k:') # ax.plot((0, ntsteps - 1), (yticks[-1], yticks[-1]), 'k:') for side in ["top", "right"]: ax.spines[side].set_color("none") ax.spines[side].set_visible(False) if not hide_x: ax.spines["bottom"].set_position(("outward", 10)) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") else: ax.spines["bottom"].set_color("none") ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) # ax.spines["left"].set_position(('outward', 30)) # ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["left"].set_color(None) # labels = [label for label in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels()] # labels[0].set_weight('bold') # labels[-1].set_weight('bold') if title: ax.set_title(title) return ax
[docs] def spikesplot_cb(position, cmap="viridis", fig=None): # Add colorbar if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() cax = fig.add_axes(position) cb = ColorbarBase( cax, cmap=colormaps[cmap], spacing="proportional", orientation="horizontal", drawedges=False, ) cb.set_ticks([0, 0.5, 1.0]) cb.set_ticklabels(["Inferior", "(axial slice)", "Superior"]) cb.outline.set_linewidth(0) return cax
[docs] def confoundplot( tseries, gs_ts, gs_dist=None, name=None, units=None, tr=None, hide_x=True, color="b", nskip=0, cutoff=None, ylims=None, ): import seaborn as sns # Define TR and number of frames notr = False if tr is None: notr = True tr = 1.0 ntsteps = len(tseries) tseries = np.array(tseries) # Define nested GridSpec gs = mgs.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 2, subplot_spec=gs_ts, width_ratios=[1, 100], wspace=0.0) ax_ts = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax_ts.grid(False) # Set 10 frame markers in X axis interval = max((ntsteps // 10, ntsteps // 5, 1)) xticks = list(range(0, ntsteps)[::interval]) ax_ts.set_xticks(xticks) if not hide_x: if notr: ax_ts.set_xlabel("time (frame #)") else: ax_ts.set_xlabel("time (s)") labels = tr * np.array(xticks) ax_ts.set_xticklabels(["%.02f" % t for t in labels.tolist()]) else: ax_ts.set_xticklabels([]) if name is not None: if units is not None: name += " [%s]" % units ax_ts.annotate( name, xy=(0.0, 0.7), xytext=(0, 0), xycoords="axes fraction", textcoords="offset points", va="center", ha="left", color=color, size=8, bbox={ "boxstyle": "round", "fc": "w", "ec": "none", "color": "none", "lw": 0, "alpha": 0.8, }, ) for side in ["top", "right"]: ax_ts.spines[side].set_color("none") ax_ts.spines[side].set_visible(False) if not hide_x: ax_ts.spines["bottom"].set_position(("outward", 20)) ax_ts.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") else: ax_ts.spines["bottom"].set_color("none") ax_ts.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) # ax_ts.spines["left"].set_position(('outward', 30)) ax_ts.spines["left"].set_color("none") ax_ts.spines["left"].set_visible(False) # ax_ts.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax_ts.set_yticks([]) ax_ts.set_yticklabels([]) nonnan = tseries[~np.isnan(tseries)] if nonnan.size > 0: # Calculate Y limits valrange = nonnan.max() - nonnan.min() def_ylims = [nonnan.min() - 0.1 * valrange, nonnan.max() + 0.1 * valrange] if ylims is not None: if ylims[0] is not None: def_ylims[0] = min([def_ylims[0], ylims[0]]) if ylims[1] is not None: def_ylims[1] = max([def_ylims[1], ylims[1]]) # Add space for plot title and mean/SD annotation def_ylims[0] -= 0.1 * (def_ylims[1] - def_ylims[0]) ax_ts.set_ylim(def_ylims) # Annotate stats maxv = nonnan.max() mean = nonnan.mean() stdv = nonnan.std() p95 = np.percentile(nonnan, 95.0) else: maxv = 0 mean = 0 stdv = 0 p95 = 0 stats_label = ( r"max: {max:.3f}{units} $\bullet$ mean: {mean:.3f}{units} " r"$\bullet$ $\sigma$: {sigma:.3f}" ).format(max=maxv, mean=mean, units=units or "", sigma=stdv) ax_ts.annotate( stats_label, xy=(0.98, 0.7), xycoords="axes fraction", xytext=(0, 0), textcoords="offset points", va="center", ha="right", color=color, size=4, bbox={ "boxstyle": "round", "fc": "w", "ec": "none", "color": "none", "lw": 0, "alpha": 0.8, }, ) # Annotate percentile 95 ax_ts.plot((0, ntsteps - 1), [p95] * 2, linewidth=0.1, color="lightgray") ax_ts.annotate( "%.2f" % p95, xy=(0, p95), xytext=(-1, 0), textcoords="offset points", va="center", ha="right", color="lightgray", size=3, ) if cutoff is None: cutoff = [] for thr in cutoff: ax_ts.plot((0, ntsteps - 1), [thr] * 2, linewidth=0.2, color="dimgray") ax_ts.annotate( "%.2f" % thr, xy=(0, thr), xytext=(-1, 0), textcoords="offset points", va="center", ha="right", color="dimgray", size=3, ) ax_ts.plot(tseries, color=color, linewidth=0.8) ax_ts.set_xlim((0, ntsteps - 1)) if gs_dist is not None: ax_dist = plt.subplot(gs_dist) sns.displot(tseries, vertical=True, ax=ax_dist) ax_dist.set_xlabel("Timesteps") ax_dist.set_ylim(ax_ts.get_ylim()) ax_dist.set_yticklabels([]) return [ax_ts, ax_dist], gs return ax_ts, gs
[docs] def compcor_variance_plot( metadata_files, metadata_sources=None, output_file=None, varexp_thresh=(0.5, 0.7, 0.9), fig=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- metadata_files: list List of paths to files containing component metadata. If more than one decomposition has been performed (e.g., anatomical and temporal CompCor decompositions), then all metadata files can be provided in the list. However, each metadata file should have a corresponding entry in `metadata_sources`. metadata_sources: list or None List of source names (e.g., ['aCompCor']) for decompositions. This list should be of the same length as `metadata_files`. output_file: str or None Path where the output figure should be saved. If this is not defined, then the plotting axes will be returned instead of the saved figure path. varexp_thresh: tuple Set of variance thresholds to include in the plot (default 0.5, 0.7, 0.9). fig: figure or None Existing figure on which to plot. Returns ------- ax: axes Plotting axes. Returned only if the `output_file` parameter is None. output_file: str The file where the figure is saved. """ metadata = {} if metadata_sources is None: if len(metadata_files) == 1: metadata_sources = ["CompCor"] else: metadata_sources = ["Decomposition {:d}".format(i) for i in range(len(metadata_files))] for file, source in zip(metadata_files, metadata_sources): metadata[source] = pd.read_csv(str(file), sep=r"\s+") metadata[source]["source"] = source metadata = pd.concat(list(metadata.values())) bbox_txt = { "boxstyle": "round", "fc": "white", "ec": "none", "color": "none", "linewidth": 0, "alpha": 0.8, } decompositions = [] data_sources = list(metadata.groupby(["source", "mask"]).groups.keys()) for source, mask in data_sources: if not np.isnan( metadata.loc[(metadata["source"] == source) & (metadata["mask"] == mask)][ "singular_value" ].values[0] ): decompositions.append((source, mask)) if fig is not None: ax = [fig.add_subplot(1, len(decompositions), i + 1) for i in range(len(decompositions))] elif len(decompositions) > 1: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(decompositions), figsize=(5 * len(decompositions), 5)) else: ax = [plt.axes()] for m, (source, mask) in enumerate(decompositions): components = metadata[(metadata["mask"] == mask) & (metadata["source"] == source)] if len([m for s, m in decompositions if s == source]) > 1: title_mask = " ({} mask)".format(mask) else: title_mask = "" fig_title = "{}{}".format(source, title_mask) ax[m].plot( np.arange(components.shape[0] + 1), [0] + list(100 * components["cumulative_variance_explained"]), color="purple", linewidth=2.5, ) ax[m].grid(False) ax[m].set_xlabel("number of components in model") ax[m].set_ylabel("cumulative variance explained (%)") ax[m].set_title(fig_title) varexp = {} for i, thr in enumerate(varexp_thresh): varexp[thr] = ( np.atleast_1d(np.searchsorted(components["cumulative_variance_explained"], thr)) + 1 ) ax[m].axhline(y=100 * thr, color="lightgrey", linewidth=0.25) ax[m].axvline(x=varexp[thr], color="C{}".format(i), linewidth=2, linestyle=":") ax[m].text( 0, 100 * thr, "{:.0f}".format(100 * thr), fontsize="x-small", bbox=bbox_txt, ) ax[m].text( varexp[thr][0], 25, "{} components explain\n{:.0f}% of variance".format(varexp[thr][0], 100 * thr), rotation=90, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize="xx-small", bbox=bbox_txt, ) ax[m].set_yticks([]) ax[m].set_yticklabels([]) for label in ax[m].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize("x-small") label.set_rotation("vertical") for side in ["top", "right", "left"]: ax[m].spines[side].set_color("none") ax[m].spines[side].set_visible(False) if output_file is not None: figure = plt.gcf() figure.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(figure) figure = None return output_file return ax
[docs] def confounds_correlation_plot( confounds_file, columns=None, figure=None, max_dim=20, output_file=None, reference="global_signal", ignore_initial_volumes=0, ): """ Generate a bar plot with the correlation of confounds. Parameters ---------- confounds_file: :obj:`str` File containing all confound regressors to be included in the correlation plot. figure: figure or None Existing figure on which to plot. columns: :obj:`list` or :obj:`None`. Select a list of columns from the dataset. max_dim: :obj:`int` The maximum number of regressors to be included in the output plot. Reductions (e.g., CompCor) of high-dimensional data can yield so many regressors that the correlation structure becomes obfuscated. This criterion selects the ``max_dim`` regressors that have the largest correlation magnitude with ``reference`` for inclusion in the plot. output_file: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None` Path where the output figure should be saved. If this is not defined, then the plotting axes will be returned instead of the saved figure path. reference: :obj:`str` ``confounds_correlation_plot`` prepares a bar plot of the correlations of each confound regressor with a reference column. By default, this is the global signal (so that collinearities with the global signal can readily be assessed). ignore_initial_volumes : :obj:`int` Number of non-steady-state volumes at the beginning of the scan to ignore. Returns ------- axes and gridspec Plotting axes and gridspec. Returned only if ``output_file`` is ``None``. output_file: :obj:`str` The file where the figure is saved. """ import seaborn as sns confounds_data = pd.read_table(confounds_file) if columns: columns = dict.fromkeys(columns) # Drop duplicates columns[reference] = None # Make sure the reference is included confounds_data = confounds_data[list(columns)] confounds_data = confounds_data.loc[ ignore_initial_volumes:, np.logical_not(np.isclose(confounds_data.var(skipna=True), 0)), ] corr = confounds_data.corr() gscorr = corr.copy() gscorr["index"] = gscorr.index gscorr[reference] = np.abs(gscorr[reference]) gs_descending = gscorr.sort_values(by=reference, ascending=False)["index"] n_vars = corr.shape[0] max_dim = min(n_vars, max_dim) gs_descending = gs_descending[:max_dim] features = [p for p in corr.columns if p in gs_descending] corr = corr.loc[features, features] np.fill_diagonal(corr.values, 0) if figure is None: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) gs = mgs.GridSpec(1, 21) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0, :10]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 11:]) mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype=bool) mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True sns.heatmap(corr, linewidths=0.5, cmap="coolwarm", center=0, square=True, ax=ax0) ax0.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", width=0) for label in ax0.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize("small") for label in ax0.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize("small") sns.barplot( data=gscorr, x="index", y=reference, ax=ax1, order=gs_descending, palette="Reds_d", saturation=0.5, ) ax1.set_xlabel("Confound time series") ax1.set_ylabel("Magnitude of correlation with {}".format(reference)) ax1.tick_params(axis="x", which="both", width=0) ax1.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", width=5, length=5) for label in ax1.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize("small") label.set_rotation("vertical") for label in ax1.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize("small") for side in ["top", "right", "left"]: ax1.spines[side].set_color("none") ax1.spines[side].set_visible(False) if output_file is not None: figure = plt.gcf() figure.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(figure) figure = None return output_file return [ax0, ax1], gs
[docs] def cifti_surfaces_plot( in_cifti, density="32k", surface_type="inflated", clip_range=(0, None), output_file=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plots a CIFTI-2 dense timeseries onto left/right mesh surfaces. Parameters ---------- in_cifti : str CIFTI-2 dense timeseries (.dtseries.nii) density : str Surface density surface_type : str Inflation level of mesh surfaces. Supported: midthickness, inflated, veryinflated clip_range : tuple or None Range to clip `in_cifti` data prior to plotting. If not None, two values must be provided as lower and upper bounds. If values are None, no clipping is performed for that bound. output_file: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None` Path where the output figure should be saved. If this is not defined, then the figure will be returned. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for :obj:`nilearn.plotting.plot_surf` Outputs ------- figure : matplotlib.pyplot.figure Surface plot figure. Returned only if ``output_file`` is ``None``. output_file: :obj:`str` The file where the figure is saved. """ from nilearn.plotting import plot_surf def get_surface_meshes(density, surface_type): import templateflow.api as tf lh, rh = tf.get("fsLR", density=density, suffix=surface_type, extension=[".surf.gii"]) return str(lh), str(rh) if density != "32k": raise NotImplementedError("Only 32k density is currently supported.") img = nb.cifti2.load(in_cifti) if img.nifti_header.get_intent()[0] != "ConnDenseSeries": raise TypeError(f"{in_cifti} is not a dense timeseries CIFTI file") geo = img.header.get_index_map(1) left_cortex, right_cortex = None, None for bm in geo.brain_models: if bm.brain_structure == "CIFTI_STRUCTURE_CORTEX_LEFT": left_cortex = bm elif bm.brain_structure == "CIFTI_STRUCTURE_CORTEX_RIGHT": right_cortex = bm if left_cortex is None or right_cortex is None: raise RuntimeError("CIFTI is missing cortex information") # calculate an average of the BOLD data, excluding the first 5 volumes # as potential nonsteady states data = img.dataobj[5:20].mean(axis=0) counts = (left_cortex.index_count, right_cortex.index_count) if density == "32k" and counts != (29696, 29716): raise ValueError("Cortex data is not in fsLR space") # medial wall needs to be added back in lh_data = np.full(left_cortex.surface_number_of_vertices, np.nan) rh_data = np.full(right_cortex.surface_number_of_vertices, np.nan) lh_data[left_cortex.vertex_indices] = _concat_brain_struct_data([left_cortex], data) rh_data[right_cortex.vertex_indices] = _concat_brain_struct_data([right_cortex], data) if clip_range: lh_data = np.clip(lh_data, clip_range[0], clip_range[1], out=lh_data) rh_data = np.clip(rh_data, clip_range[0], clip_range[1], out=rh_data) mn, mx = clip_range else: mn, mx = None, None if mn is None: mn = np.min(data) if mx is None: mx = np.max(data) cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', 'YlOrRd_r') cbar_map = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=Normalize(mn, mx), cmap=cmap) # Make background maps that rescale to a medium gray lh_bg = np.zeros(lh_data.shape, 'int8') rh_bg = np.zeros(rh_data.shape, 'int8') lh_bg[:2] = [3, -2] rh_bg[:2] = [3, -2] lh_mesh, rh_mesh = get_surface_meshes(density, surface_type) lh_kwargs = dict(surf_mesh=lh_mesh, surf_map=lh_data, bg_map=lh_bg) rh_kwargs = dict(surf_mesh=rh_mesh, surf_map=rh_data, bg_map=rh_bg) # Build the figure figure = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(0.25), constrained_layout=True) for i, view in enumerate(('lateral', 'medial')): for j, hemi in enumerate(('left', 'right')): title = f'{hemi.title()} - {view.title()}' ax = figure.add_subplot(1, 4, i * 2 + j + 1, projection='3d', rasterized=True) hemi_kwargs = (lh_kwargs, rh_kwargs)[j] plot_surf( hemi=hemi, view=view, title=title, cmap=cmap, vmin=mn, vmax=mx, axes=ax, **hemi_kwargs, **kwargs ) # plot_surf sets this to 8, which seems a little far out, but 6 starts clipping ax.dist = 7 figure.colorbar(cbar_map, shrink=0.2, ax=figure.axes, location='bottom') if output_file is not None: figure.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=400) plt.close(figure) return output_file return figure
def _concat_brain_struct_data(structs, data): concat_data = np.array([], dtype=data.dtype) for struct in structs: struct_upper_bound = struct.index_offset + struct.index_count struct_data = data[struct.index_offset:struct_upper_bound] concat_data = np.concatenate((concat_data, struct_data)) return concat_data def _ward_to_linkage(children, n_leaves, distances): """Create linkage matrix from the output of Ward clustering.""" # create the counts of samples under each node counts = np.zeros(children.shape[0]) n_samples = n_leaves for i, merge in enumerate(children): current_count = 0 for child_idx in merge: current_count += 1 if child_idx < n_samples else counts[child_idx - n_samples] counts[i] = current_count return np.column_stack([children, distances, counts]).astype(float)