Source code for sdcflows.utils.epimanip

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Manipulation of EPI data.

.. testsetup::

    >>> tmpdir = getfixture('tmpdir')
    >>> tmp = tmpdir.chdir() # changing to a temporary directory
    >>> nb.Nifti1Image(np.zeros((90, 90, 60)), None, None).to_filename(
    ...     tmpdir.join('epi.nii.gz').strpath)


[docs] def get_trt(in_meta, in_file=None): r""" Obtain the *total readout time* :math:`T_\text{ro}` from available metadata. BIDS provides two standard mechanisms to store the total readout time, :math:`T_\text{ro}`, of :abbr:`EPI (echo-planar imaging)` scans. The first option is that a ``TotalReadoutTime`` field is found in the JSON sidecar: >>> meta = {'TotalReadoutTime': 0.05251} >>> get_trt(meta) 0.05251 Alternatively, the *effective echo spacing* :math:`t_\text{ees}` (``EffectiveEchoSpacing`` BIDS field) may be provided. Then, the total readout time :math:`T_\text{ro}` can be calculated as follows: .. math :: T_\text{ro} = t_\text{ees} \cdot (N_\text{PE} - 1), \label{eq:rotime-ees}\tag{1} where :math:`N_\text{PE}` is the number of pixels along the :abbr:`PE (phase-encoding)` direction **on the reconstructed matrix**. >>> meta = {'EffectiveEchoSpacing': 0.00059, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-'} >>> f"{get_trt(meta, in_file='epi.nii.gz'):g}" '0.05251' Using nonstandard metadata, there are further options. If the *echo spacing* :math:`t_\text{es}` (do not confuse with the *effective echo spacing*, :math:`t_\text{ees}`) is set and the parallel acceleration factor (:abbr:`GRAPPA (GeneRalized Auto-calibrating Partial Parallel Acquisition)`, :abbr:`ARC (Auto-calibrating Reconstruction for Cartesian imaging)`, etc.) of the EPI :math:`f_\text{acc}` is known, then it is possible to calculate the readout time as: .. math :: T_\text{ro} = t_\text{es} \cdot (\left\lfloor\frac{N_\text{PE}}{f_\text{acc}} \right\rfloor - 1). >>> meta = {'EchoSpacing': 0.00119341, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-', ... 'ParallelReductionFactorInPlane': 2} >>> f"{get_trt(meta, in_file='epi.nii.gz'):g}" '0.05251' .. caution:: Philips stores different parameter names, and there has been quite a bit of reverse-engineering and discussion around how to get the total readout-time right for the vendor. The implementation done here follows the findings of Dr. Rorden, summarized in `this post <>`__. It seems to be possible to calculate the **effective** echo spacing (in seconds) as: .. math :: t_\text{ees} = \frac{f_\text{wfs}} {B_0 \gamma \Delta_\text{w/f} \cdot (f_\text{EPI} + 1)}, \label{eq:philips-ees}\tag{2} where :math:`f_\text{wfs}` is the water-fat-shift in pixels, :math:`B_0` is the field strength in T, :math:`\gamma` is the gyromagnetic ratio, :math:`\Delta_\text{w/f}` is the water/fat difference in ppm and :math:`f_\text{EPI}` is Philip's «*EPI factor*,» which accounts for in-plane acceleration with :abbr:`SENSE (SENSitivity Encoding)`. The problem with Philip's «*EPI factor*» is that it is absolutely necessary to calculate the effective echo spacing, because the reported SENSE acceleration factor does not allow to calculate the effective train length from the reconstructed matrix size along the PE direction (neither from the acquisition matrix size if it is strangely found stored within the metadata). For :math:`B_0 = 3.0` [T], then :math:`B_0 \gamma \Delta_\text{w/f} \approx 434.215`, as in `early discussions held on the FSL listserv <;162ab1a3.1308>`__. As per Dr. Rorden, Eq. :math:`\eqref{eq:philips-ees}` is equivalent to the following formulation: .. math :: t_\text{ees} = \frac{f_\text{wfs}} {3.4 \cdot F_\text{img} \cdot (f_\text{EPI} + 1)}, where :math:`F_\text{img}` is the «*Imaging Frequency*» in MHz, as reported by the Philips console. This second formulation seems to be preferred for the better accuracy of the Imaging Frequency field over the Magnetic field strength. Once the effective echo spacing is obtained, the total readout time can then be calculated with Eq. :math:`\eqref{eq:rotime-ees}`. >>> meta = {'WaterFatShift': 9.2227266, ... 'EPIFactor': 35, ... 'ImagingFrequency': 127.7325, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-'} >>> f"{get_trt(meta, in_file='epi.nii.gz'):0.5f}" '0.05251' >>> meta = {'WaterFatShift': 9.2227266, ... 'EPIFactor': 35, ... 'MagneticFieldStrength': 3, ... 'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-'} >>> f"{get_trt(meta, in_file='epi.nii.gz'):0.5f}" '0.05251' If enough metadata is not available, raise an error: >>> get_trt({'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j-'}, ... in_file='epi.nii.gz') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: .. admonition:: Thanks With thanks to Dr. Rorden for his thorough `assessment <>`__ and `validation <>`__ on the matter, and to Pravesh Parekh for `his wonderful review on NeuroStars <>`__. .. admonition:: See Also Some useful links regarding the calculation of the readout time for Philips: * `Brain Voyager documentation <>`__ -- Please note that I (OE) *believe* the statement about the effective echo-spacing on Philips **is wrong**, as the EPI factor should account for the in-plane acceleration. * `Disappeared documentation of the Spinoza Center <>`__. * This `guide for preprocessing of EPI data <>`__. """ import nibabel as nb # Use case 1: TRT is defined if "TotalReadoutTime" in in_meta: trt = in_meta.get("TotalReadoutTime") if not trt: raise ValueError(f"'{trt}'") return trt # npe = N voxels PE direction pe_index = "ijk".index(in_meta["PhaseEncodingDirection"][0]) npe = nb.load(in_file).shape[pe_index] # Use case 2: EES is defined ees = in_meta.get("EffectiveEchoSpacing") if ees: # Effective echo spacing means that acceleration factors have been accounted for. return ees * (npe - 1) try: echospacing = in_meta["EchoSpacing"] acc_factor = in_meta["ParallelReductionFactorInPlane"] except KeyError: pass else: # etl = effective train length etl = npe // acc_factor return echospacing * (etl - 1) # Use case 3 (Philips scans) try: wfs = in_meta["WaterFatShift"] epifactor = in_meta["EPIFactor"] except KeyError: pass else: wfs_hz = ( (in_meta.get("ImagingFrequency", 0) * 3.39941) or (in_meta.get("MagneticFieldStrength", 0) * 144.7383333) or None ) if wfs_hz: ees = wfs / (wfs_hz * (epifactor + 1)) return ees * (npe - 1) raise ValueError("Unknown total-readout time specification")
[docs] def epi_mask(in_file, out_file=None): """Use grayscale morphological operations to obtain a quick mask of EPI data.""" from pathlib import Path import nibabel as nb import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage from skimage.morphology import ball if out_file is None: out_file = Path("mask.nii.gz").absolute() img = nb.load(in_file) data = img.get_fdata(dtype="float32") # First open to blur out the skull around the brain opened = ndimage.grey_opening(data, structure=ball(3)) # Second, close large vessels and the ventricles closed = ndimage.grey_closing(opened, structure=ball(2)) # Window filter on percentile 30 closed -= np.percentile(closed, 30) # Window filter on percentile 90 of data maxnorm = np.percentile(closed[closed > 0], 90) closed = np.clip(closed, a_min=0.0, a_max=maxnorm) # Calculate index of center of masses cm = tuple(np.round(ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(closed)).astype(int)) # Erode the picture of the brain by a lot eroded = ndimage.grey_erosion(closed, structure=ball(5)) # Calculate the residual wshed = opened - eroded wshed -= wshed.min() wshed = np.round(1e3 * wshed / wshed.max()).astype(np.uint16) markers = np.zeros_like(wshed, dtype=int) markers[cm] = 2 markers[0, 0, -1] = -1 # Run watershed labels = ndimage.watershed_ift(wshed, markers) hdr = img.header.copy() hdr.set_data_dtype("uint8") nb.Nifti1Image( ndimage.binary_dilation(labels == 2, ball(2)).astype("uint8"), img.affine, hdr ).to_filename(out_file) return out_file