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"""Image processing tools."""
import nibabel as nb

[docs] def deoblique_and_zooms( in_reference: nb.spatialimages.SpatialImage, oblique: nb.spatialimages.SpatialImage, factor: int = 4, padding: int = 1, factor_tol: float = 1e-4, ): """ Generate a sampling reference aligned with in_reference fully covering oblique. Parameters ---------- in_reference : :obj:`~nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage` The sampling reference. oblique : :obj:`~nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage` The rotated coordinate system whose extent should be fully covered by the generated reference. factor : :obj:`int` A factor to increase the resolution of the generated reference. padding : :obj:`int` Number of additional voxels around the most extreme positions of the projection of oblique on to the reference. factor_tol : :obj:`float` Absolute tolerance to determine whether factor is one. """ from itertools import product import numpy as np from nibabel.affines import apply_affine, rescale_affine # Reference space metadata hdr = in_reference.header.copy() affine = in_reference.affine.copy() ref_shape = np.array(in_reference.shape[:3]) ref_zooms = np.array(hdr.get_zooms()[:3]) _, scode = in_reference.get_sform(coded=True) _, qcode = in_reference.get_qform(coded=True) # Calculate the 8 most extreme coordinates of oblique in in_reference space corners = np.array(list(product((0, 1), repeat=3))) * ( np.array(oblique.shape[:3]) - 1 ) extent_ijk = apply_affine(np.linalg.inv(affine) @ oblique.affine, corners) underflow = np.clip(extent_ijk.min(0) - padding, None, 0).astype(int) overflow = np.ceil( np.clip(extent_ijk.max(0) + padding + 1 - ref_shape, 0, None) ).astype(int) if np.any(underflow < 0) or np.any(overflow > 0): # Add under/overflow voxels ref_shape += overflow - underflow # Consistently update origin affine[:-1, -1] = apply_affine(affine, underflow) # Make grid denser if abs(1.0 - factor) > factor_tol: new_shape = np.rint(ref_shape * factor) affine = rescale_affine(affine, ref_shape, ref_zooms / factor, new_shape) ref_shape = new_shape # Generate new reference hdr.set_sform(affine, scode) hdr.set_qform(affine, qcode) return in_reference.__class__( nb.fileslice.strided_scalar(ref_shape.astype(int)), affine, hdr, )
[docs] def resample_to_zooms(in_file, zooms, order=3, prefilter=True): """Resample the input data to a new grid with the requested zooms.""" from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nibabel.affines import rescale_affine from nitransforms.linear import Affine if isinstance(in_file, (str, Path)): in_file = nb.load(in_file) # Prepare output x-forms sform, scode = in_file.get_sform(coded=True) qform, qcode = in_file.get_qform(coded=True) hdr = in_file.header.copy() zooms = np.array(zooms) pre_zooms = np.array(in_file.header.get_zooms()[:3]) # Could use `np.ceil` if we prefer new_shape = np.rint(np.array(in_file.shape[:3]) * pre_zooms / zooms) affine = rescale_affine(in_file.affine, in_file.shape[:3], zooms, new_shape) # Generate new reference hdr.set_sform(affine, scode) hdr.set_qform(affine, qcode) newref = in_file.__class__( np.zeros(new_shape.astype(int), dtype=hdr.get_data_dtype()), affine, hdr, ) # Resample via identity transform return Affine(reference=newref).apply(in_file, order=order, prefilter=prefilter)
[docs] def ensure_positive_cosines(img): """ Reorient axes polarity to have all positive direction cosines. In other words, this interface will reorient the image polarities to be all *positive*, respecting the axes ordering. For instance, *LAS* -> *RAS* or *ALS* -> *ARS*. """ import nibabel as nb in_ornt = nb.io_orientation(img.affine) img_axcodes = nb.orientations.ornt2axcodes(in_ornt) out_ornt = in_ornt.copy() out_ornt[:, 1] = 1 ornt_xfm = nb.orientations.ornt_transform(in_ornt, out_ornt) return img.as_reoriented(ornt_xfm), img_axcodes
[docs] def brain_masker(in_file, out_file=None, padding=5): """Use grayscale morphological operations to obtain a quick mask of EPI data.""" from pathlib import Path import re import nibabel as nb import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage from skimage.morphology import ball from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu from skimage.segmentation import random_walker # Load data img = nb.load(in_file) data = np.pad(img.get_fdata(dtype="float32"), padding) hdr = img.header.copy() # Cleanup background and invert intensity data[data < np.percentile(data[data > 0], 15)] = 0 data[data > 0] -= data[data > 0].min() datainv = -data.copy() datainv -= datainv.min() datainv /= datainv.max() # Grayscale closing to enhance CSF layer surrounding the brain closed = ndimage.grey_closing(datainv, structure=ball(1)) denoised = ndimage.median_filter(closed, footprint=ball(3)) th = threshold_otsu(denoised) # Rough binary mask closedbin = np.zeros_like(closed) closedbin[closed < th] = 1 closedbin = ndimage.binary_opening(closedbin, ball(3)).astype("uint8") label_im, nb_labels = ndimage.label(closedbin) sizes = ndimage.sum(closedbin, label_im, range(nb_labels + 1)) mask = sizes == sizes.max() closedbin = mask[label_im] closedbin = ndimage.binary_closing(closedbin, ball(5)).astype("uint8") # Prepare markers markers = np.ones_like(closed, dtype="int8") * 2 markers[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 0 closedbin_dil = ndimage.binary_dilation(closedbin, ball(5)) markers[closedbin_dil] = 0 closed_eroded = ndimage.binary_erosion(closedbin, structure=ball(5)) markers[closed_eroded] = 1 # Run random walker closed[closed > 0.0] -= closed[closed > 0.0].min() segtarget = (2 * closed / closed.max()) - 1.0 labels = random_walker( segtarget, markers, spacing=img.header.get_zooms()[:3], return_full_prob=True )[..., padding:-padding, padding:-padding, padding:-padding] out_mask = Path(out_file or "brain_mask.nii.gz").absolute() hdr.set_data_dtype("uint8") img.__class__((labels[0, ...] >= 0.5).astype("uint8"), img.affine, hdr).to_filename( out_mask ) out_probseg = re.sub( r"\.nii(\.gz)$", r"_probseg.nii\1", str(out_mask).replace("_mask.", ".") ) hdr.set_data_dtype("float32") img.__class__((labels[0, ...]), img.affine, hdr).to_filename(out_probseg) out_brain = re.sub( r"\.nii(\.gz)$", r"_brainmasked.nii\1", str(out_mask).replace("_mask.", ".") ) data = np.asanyarray(img.dataobj) data[labels[0, ...] < 0.5] = 0 img.__class__(data, img.affine, img.header).to_filename(out_brain) return str(out_brain), str(out_probseg), str(out_mask)
[docs] def reorient_pedir(pe_dir, source_ornt, target_ornt=None): """Return updated PhaseEncodingDirection to account for an image data array rotation Orientations form a natural group with identity, product and inverse. This function thus has the following properties (here ``e`` is the identity, ``*`` the product and ``-`` the inverse; ``a`` and ``b`` are arbitrary orientations): reorient(pe_dir, e, e) == pe_dir reorient(pe_dir, a, e) == reorient(pe_dir, a) reorient(pe_dir, e, b) == reorient(pe_dir, -b) reorient(pe_dir, a, b) == reorient(pe_dir, a * -b, e) Therefore, this function accepts one or two orientations, and precomputed transforms from a to b can be passed as the "source" orientation. Passing only a source orientation will rotate into RAS: >>> from nibabel.orientations import axcodes2ornt >>> reorient_pedir("j", axcodes2ornt("RAS")) 'j' >>> reorient_pedir("i", axcodes2ornt("PSL")) 'j-' Passing only a target_ornt will rotate from RAS: >>> reorient_pedir("j", source_ornt=None, target_ornt=axcodes2ornt("RAS")) 'j' >>> reorient_pedir("i", source_ornt=None, target_ornt=axcodes2ornt("PSL")) 'k-' Passing both will rotate from source to target. >>> reorient_pedir("j", axcodes2ornt("LPS"), axcodes2ornt("AIR")) 'i-' Passing a transform orientation as source_ornt will perform the transform, and passing it as ``target_ornt`` will invert the transform: >>> from nibabel.orientations import ornt_transform >>> xfm = ornt_transform(axcodes2ornt("LPS"), axcodes2ornt("AIR")) >>> reorient_pedir("j", xfm) 'i-' >>> reorient_pedir("j", source_ornt=None, target_ornt=xfm) 'k-' """ from nibabel.orientations import ornt_transform if source_ornt is None: source_ornt = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]] if target_ornt is None: target_ornt = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]] xfm = ornt_transform(source_ornt, target_ornt).astype(int) # shape: (3, 2) directions = "ijk" if pe_dir[0] in "ijk" else "xyz" source_axis = directions.index(pe_dir[0]) source_flip = pe_dir[1:] == "-" axis_xfm = xfm[source_axis, :] # shape: (2,) target_axis = directions[axis_xfm[0]] target_flip = source_flip ^ (axis_xfm[1] == -1) return f"{target_axis}-" if target_flip else target_axis