Source code for sdcflows.utils.wrangler

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# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Find fieldmaps on the BIDS inputs for :abbr:`SDC (susceptibility distortion correction)`."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product
from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict, Any
from bids.layout import BIDSLayout, BIDSFile
from bids.utils import listify

from .. import fieldmaps as fm

def _normalize_intent(
    intent: str,
    subject: str
) -> str | None:
    """Convert BIDS-URI intent to subject-relative intent

    SDCFlows currently makes strong assumptions about old-style intents,
    and a change to that needs to be carefully considered and tested.
    if intent.startswith("bids::"):
        # bids::sub-<subject>/
        #          ^- 10     ^- 11
        return intent[11 + len(subject):]
    return intent

def _resolve_intent(
    intent: str,
    layout: BIDSLayout,
    subject: str
) -> str | None:
    root = Path(layout.root)
    if intent.startswith("bids::"):
        return str(root / intent[6:])
    if not intent.startswith("bids:"):
        return str(root / f"sub-{subject}" / intent)
    return intent

def _filter_metadata(
    metadata: Dict[str, Any],
    subject: str
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    intents = metadata.get("IntendedFor")
    if intents:
        updated = [_normalize_intent(intent, subject) for intent in listify(intents)]
        return {**metadata, "IntendedFor": updated}
    return metadata

[docs] def find_estimators( *, layout: BIDSLayout, subject: str, sessions: Optional[List[str]] = None, fmapless: Union[bool, set] = True, force_fmapless: bool = False, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, bids_filters: Optional[dict] = None, anat_suffix: Union[str, List[str]] = 'T1w', ) -> list: """ Apply basic heuristics to automatically find available data for fieldmap estimation. The "*fieldmap-less*" heuristics only attempt to find ``_dwi`` and ``_bold`` candidates to pair with a ``_T1w`` anatomical reference. For more complicated heuristics (for instance, using ``_T2w`` images or ``_sbref`` images,) the :py:class:`~sdcflows.fieldmaps.FieldmapEstimation` object must be created manually by the user. Parameters ---------- layout : :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSLayout` An initialized PyBIDS layout. subject : :obj:`str` Participant label for this single-subject workflow. sessions : :obj:`list` or None One of more session identifiers. If None, all sessions will be used. fmapless : :obj:`bool` or :obj:`set` Indicates if fieldmap-less heuristics should be executed. When ``fmapless`` is a :obj:`set`, it can contain valid BIDS suffixes for EPI images (namely, ``"dwi"``, ``"bold"``, ``"asl"``, or ``"sbref"``). When ``fmapless`` is ``True``, heuristics will use the ``{"bold", "dwi", "asl"}`` set. force_fmapless : :obj:`bool` When some other fieldmap estimation methods have been found, fieldmap-less estimation will be skipped except if ``force_fmapless`` is ``True``. logger The logger used to relay messages. If not provided, one will be created. bids_filters Optional dictionary of key/values to filter the entities on. This allows lower level file inclusion/exclusion. anat_suffix : :obj:`str` or :obj:`list` String or list of strings to filter anatomical images for fieldmap-less approaches. If not provided, ``T1w`` is used. Returns ------- estimators : :obj:`list` The list of :py:class:`~sdcflows.fieldmaps.FieldmapEstimation` objects that have successfully been built (meaning, all necessary inputs and corresponding metadata are present in the given layout.) Examples -------- Our ``ds000054`` dataset, created for *fMRIPrep*, only has one *phasediff* type of fieldmap with ``magnitude1`` and ``magnitude2`` files: >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['ds000054'], ... subject="100185", ... fmapless=False, ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<3 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_00000')] OpenNeuro's dataset with four *PEPOLAR* EPI files, two runs per phase-encoding direction (AP, PA): >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['ds001771'], ... subject="36", ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_00001')] OpenNeuro's ``ds001600`` is an SDC test-dataset containing many different possibilities for fieldmap estimation: >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['ds001600'], ... subject="1", ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_00002'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_00003'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<3 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_00004'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_00005')] We can also pick one (simplified) HCP subject for testing purposes: >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['HCP101006'], ... subject="101006", ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_00006'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_00007'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_00008')] Finally, *SDCFlows*' "*dataset A*" and "*dataset B*" contain BIDS structures with zero-byte NIfTI files and some corresponding metadata: >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['dsA'], ... subject="01", ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.MAPPED: 4>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<3 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_...')] >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['dsB'], ... subject="01", ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.MAPPED: 4>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<3 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_...')] After cleaning the registry, we can see how the "*fieldmap-less*" estimation can be forced: >>> from .. import fieldmaps as fm >>> fm.clear_registry() >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['ds000054'], ... subject="100185", ... fmapless={"bold"}, ... force_fmapless=True, ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<3 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...')] Likewise in a more comprehensive dataset: >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['ds001771'], ... subject="36", ... force_fmapless=True, ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...')] Because "*dataset A*" contains very few metadata fields available, "*fieldmap-less*" heuristics come back empty (BOLD and DWI files are missing the mandatory ``PhaseEncodingDirection``, in this case): >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['dsA'], ... subject="01", ... force_fmapless=True, ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.MAPPED: 4>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<3 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF: 3>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<4 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='auto_...')] This function should also correctly investigate multi-session datasets: >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['ds000206'], ... subject="05", ... fmapless=False, ... force_fmapless=False, ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [] >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['ds000206'], ... subject="05", ... fmapless=True, ... force_fmapless=False, ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...')] When the ``B0FieldIdentifier`` metadata is set for one or more fieldmaps, then the heuristics that use ``IntendedFor`` are dismissed: >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['dsC'], ... subject="01", ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<5 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='pepolar4pe')] The only exception to the priority of ``B0FieldIdentifier`` is when fieldmaps are searched with the ``force_fmapless`` argument on: >>> fm.clear_registry() # Necessary as `pepolar4pe` is not changing. >>> find_estimators( ... layout=layouts['dsC'], ... subject="01", ... fmapless=True, ... force_fmapless=True, ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [FieldmapEstimation(sources=<5 files>, method=<EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: 2>, bids_id='pepolar4pe'), FieldmapEstimation(sources=<2 files>, method=<EstimatorType.ANAT: 5>, bids_id='auto_...')] """ from .misc import create_logger from bids.layout import Query from bids.exceptions import BIDSEntityError # The created logger is set to ERROR log level logger = logger or create_logger('sdcflows.wrangler') base_entities = { "subject": subject, "extension": [".nii", ".nii.gz"], "part": ["mag", None], "scope": "raw", # Ensure derivatives are not captured } if bids_filters: filters = bids_filters.copy() # copy to avoid altering in place if 'session' in bids_filters and sessions is not None: raise ValueError("Filters include session, but session is already defined.") sessions = listify(filters.pop('session', None)) base_entities.update(filters) subject_root = Path(layout.root) / f"sub-{subject}" sessions = sessions or layout.get_sessions(subject=subject) or [None] fmapless = fmapless or {} if fmapless is True: fmapless = {"bold", "dwi", "asl"} estimators = [] # Step 1. Use B0FieldIdentifier metadata b0_ids = tuple() with suppress(BIDSEntityError): # flatten lists from json (tupled in pybids for hashing), then unique b0_ids = reduce( set.union, (listify(ids) for ids in layout.get_B0FieldIdentifiers(**base_entities)), set() ) if b0_ids: logger.debug( "Dataset includes `B0FieldIdentifier` metadata." "Any data missing this metadata will be ignored." ) for b0_id in b0_ids: # Found B0FieldIdentifier metadata entries b0_entities = base_entities.copy() b0_entities["B0FieldIdentifier"] = b0_id bare_ids = layout.get(**base_entities, B0FieldIdentifier=b0_id) listed_ids = layout.get( **base_entities, B0FieldIdentifier=f'"{b0_id}"', # Double quotes to match JSON, not Python repr regex_search=True, ) try: e = fm.FieldmapEstimation( [ fm.FieldmapFile(fmap.path, metadata=fmap.get_metadata()) for fmap in bare_ids + listed_ids ] ) except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: _log_debug_estimator_fail( logger, b0_id, bare_ids + listed_ids, layout.root, str(err) ) else: _log_debug_estimation(logger, e, layout.root) estimators.append(e) # Step 2. If no B0FieldIdentifiers were found, try several heuristics if not estimators: # Set up B0 fieldmap strategies: for fmap in layout.get( **{ **base_entities, **{'suffix': ["fieldmap", "phasediff", "phase1"], 'session': sessions} } ): try: e = fm.FieldmapEstimation( fm.FieldmapFile( fmap.path, metadata=_filter_metadata(fmap.get_metadata(), subject), ) ) except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: _log_debug_estimator_fail( logger, "unnamed fieldmap", [fmap], layout.root, str(err) ) else: _log_debug_estimation(logger, e, layout.root) estimators.append(e) # A bunch of heuristics to select EPI fieldmaps acqs = ( base_entities.get('acquisitions') or layout.get_acquisitions(subject=subject, suffix="epi") + [None] ) contrasts = ( base_entities.get('ceagent') or layout.get_ceagents(subject=subject, suffix="epi") + [None] ) for ses, acq, ce in product(sessions, acqs, contrasts): entities = base_entities.copy() entities.update( {"suffix": "epi", "session": ses, "acquisition": acq, "ceagent": ce} ) dirs = layout.get_directions(**entities) if len(dirs) > 1: by_intent = {} for fmap in layout.get(**{**entities, **{'direction': dirs}}): fmapfile = fm.FieldmapFile( fmap.path, metadata=_filter_metadata(fmap.get_metadata(), subject), ) by_intent.setdefault( tuple(fmapfile.metadata.get('IntendedFor', ())), [] ).append(fmapfile) for collection in by_intent.values(): try: e = fm.FieldmapEstimation(collection) except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: _log_debug_estimator_fail( logger, "unnamed PEPOLAR", collection, layout.root, str(err) ) else: _log_debug_estimation(logger, e, layout.root) estimators.append(e) # At this point, only single-PE _epi files WITH ``IntendedFor`` can # be automatically processed. has_intended = tuple() with suppress(ValueError): has_intended = layout.get( **{ **base_entities, **{'suffix': 'epi', 'IntendedFor': Query.REQUIRED, 'session': sessions} } ) for epi_fmap in has_intended: if epi_fmap.path in fm._estimators.sources: logger.debug("Skipping fieldmap %s (already in use)", epi_fmap.relpath) continue # skip EPI images already considered above logger.debug("Found single PE fieldmap %s", epi_fmap.relpath) epi_base_md = epi_fmap.get_metadata() # Find existing IntendedFor targets and warn if missing all_targets = [] for intent in listify(epi_base_md["IntendedFor"]): target = layout.get_file(_resolve_intent(intent, layout, subject)) if target is None: logger.debug("Single PE target %s not found", intent) continue all_targets.append(target) # If sbrefs are targets, then the goal is generally to estimate with epi+sbref # and correct bold/dwi/asl sbrefs = [ target for target in all_targets if target.entities["suffix"] == "sbref" ] if sbrefs: targets = sbrefs intent_map = [] for sbref in sbrefs: ents = sbref.get_entities(metadata=False) ents["suffix"] = ["bold", "dwi", "asl"] intent_map.append( [ target for target in layout.get(**ents) if target in all_targets ] ) else: targets = all_targets intent_map = [[target] for target in all_targets] for target, intent in zip(targets, intent_map): logger.debug("Found single PE target %s", target.relpath) # The new estimator is IntendedFor the individual targets, # even if the EPI file is IntendedFor multiple estimator_md = epi_base_md.copy() estimator_md["IntendedFor"] = [ str(Path(pathlike).relative_to(subject_root)) for pathlike in intent ] try: e = fm.FieldmapEstimation( [ fm.FieldmapFile(epi_fmap.path, metadata=estimator_md), fm.FieldmapFile(target.path, metadata=target.get_metadata()) ] ) except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: _log_debug_estimator_fail( logger, "unnamed PEPOLAR", [epi_fmap, target], layout.root, str(err) ) else: _log_debug_estimation(logger, e, layout.root) estimators.append(e) if estimators and not force_fmapless: fmapless = False # Find fieldmap-less schemes anat_file = layout.get(**{**base_entities, **{'suffix': anat_suffix, 'session': sessions}}) if not fmapless or not anat_file: logger.debug("Skipping fmap-less estimation") return estimators logger.debug("Attempting fmap-less estimation") estimator_specs = find_anatomical_estimators( anat_file=anat_file[0], layout=layout, subject=subject, sessions=sessions, base_entities=base_entities, suffixes=fmapless, ) for spec in estimator_specs: try: estimator = fm.FieldmapEstimation(spec) except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: _log_debug_estimator_fail(logger, "ANAT", spec, layout.root, str(err)) else: _log_debug_estimation(logger, estimator, layout.root) estimators.append(estimator) return estimators
[docs] def find_anatomical_estimators( *, anat_file: BIDSFile, layout: BIDSLayout, subject: str, sessions: List[str], base_entities: Dict[str, Any], suffixes: List[str], ) -> List[List[fm.FieldmapFile]]: r"""Find anatomical estimators Given an anatomical reference image, create lists of files for estimating susceptibility distortion for the EPI images in a dataset. Parameters ---------- anat_file : :class:`bids.layout.BIDSFile` Anatomical reference image to use in estimators. layout : :class:`bids.layout.BIDSLayout` An initialized PyBIDS layout. subject : :class:`str` Participant label for this single-subject workflow. sessions : :class:`list` One of more session identifiers. To use all, pass ``[None]``. base_entities : :class:`dict` Entities to use to query for images. These should include any filters. suffixes : :class:`list` EPI suffixes, for example ``["bold", "dwi", "asl"]``. Associated ``"sbref"``\s will be found and used in place of BOLD/diffusion EPIs. Similarly, ``"m0scan"``\s associated with ASL runs with the ``IntendedFor`` or ``B0FieldIdentifier`` metadata will be used in place of ASL runs. """ from .epimanip import get_trt subject_root = Path(layout.root) / f"sub-{subject}" hits = set() # Avoid duplicates estimators = [] for ses, suffix in sorted(product(sessions, suffixes)): suffixes = ["sbref", suffix] # Order indicates preference; prefer sbref datatype = { "bold": "func", "dwi": "dwi", "asl": "perf", }[suffix] candidates = layout.get( **{ **base_entities, **{"suffix": suffixes, "session": ses, "datatype": datatype}, } ) # Filter out candidates without defined PE direction epi_targets = [] for candidate in candidates: meta = candidate.get_metadata() if not meta.get("PhaseEncodingDirection"): continue trt = 1.0 with suppress(ValueError): trt = get_trt(meta, candidate.path) meta.update({"TotalReadoutTime": trt}) epi_targets.append(fm.FieldmapFile(candidate, metadata=meta)) def sort_key(fmap): # Return sbref before DWI/BOLD and shortest echo first return suffixes.index(fmap.suffix), fmap.metadata.get("EchoTime", 1) for target in sorted(epi_targets, key=sort_key): if target.path in hits: continue query = {**base_entities, **target.entities} # Find all echos, so strip from query, if present query.pop("echo", None) # Include sbref and EPI images in IntendedFor # No harm in including sbrefs that won't be corrected, # and ensures the hits set prevents doubling up intent = [Path(epi) for epi in layout.get(suffix=suffixes, **query)] metadata = { "IntendedFor": [str(epi.relative_to(subject_root)) for epi in intent] } estimators.append([fm.FieldmapFile(anat_file, metadata=metadata), target]) hits.update(intent) return estimators
def _log_debug_estimation( logger: logging.Logger, estimation: fm.FieldmapEstimation, bids_root: str, ) -> None: """A helper function to log estimation information when running with verbosity.""" logger.debug( "Found %s estimation from %d sources:\n- %s",, len(estimation.sources), "\n- ".join( [str(Path(s.path).relative_to(bids_root)) for s in estimation.sources] ), ) def _log_debug_estimator_fail( logger: logging.Logger, b0_id: str, files: List[BIDSFile], bids_root: str, message: str ) -> None: """A helper function to log failures to build an estimator when running with verbosity.""" logger.debug( "Failed to construct %s estimation from %d sources:\n- %s\nError: %s", b0_id, len(files), "\n- ".join([str(Path(s.path).relative_to(bids_root)) for s in files]), message, )