Source code for sdcflows.viz.utils

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"""Visualization tooling."""

[docs] def plot_registration( anat_nii, div_id, plot_params=None, order=("z", "x", "y"), cuts=None, estimate_brightness=False, label=None, contour=None, compress="auto", overlay=None, overlay_params=None, ): """ Plot the foreground and background views. Default order is: axial, coronal, sagittal """ from uuid import uuid4 from lxml import etree import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from nilearn.plotting import plot_anat from svgutils.transform import SVGFigure from niworkflows.viz.utils import robust_set_limits, extract_svg, SVGNS plot_params = plot_params or {} # Use default MNI cuts if none defined if cuts is None: raise NotImplementedError # TODO out_files = [] if estimate_brightness: plot_params = robust_set_limits( anat_nii.get_fdata(dtype="float32").reshape(-1), plot_params ) # Plot each cut axis for i, mode in enumerate(list(order)): plot_params["display_mode"] = mode plot_params["cut_coords"] = cuts[mode] if i == 0: plot_params["title"] = label else: plot_params["title"] = None # Generate nilearn figure display = plot_anat(anat_nii, **plot_params) if overlay is not None: _overlay_params = { "vmin": overlay.get_fdata(dtype="float32").min(), "vmax": overlay.get_fdata(dtype="float32").max(), "cmap":, "interpolation": "nearest", } _overlay_params.update(overlay_params) display.add_overlay(overlay, **_overlay_params) if contour is not None: display.add_contours(contour, colors="g", levels=[0.5], linewidths=0.5) svg = extract_svg(display, compress=compress) display.close() # Find and replace the figure_1 id. xml_data = etree.fromstring(svg) find_text = etree.ETXPath("//{%s}g[@id='figure_1']" % SVGNS) find_text(xml_data)[0].set("id", "%s-%s-%s" % (div_id, mode, uuid4())) svg_fig = SVGFigure() svg_fig.root = xml_data out_files.append(svg_fig) return out_files
[docs] def coolwarm_transparent(max_alpha=0.7, opaque_perc=30, transparent_perc=8): """Modify the coolwarm color scale to have full transparency around the middle.""" import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as pl from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap # Choose colormap cmap = # Get the colormap colors my_cmap = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N)) _20perc = (cmap.N * opaque_perc) // 100 midpoint = cmap.N // 2 + 1 _10perc = (cmap.N * transparent_perc) // 100 # Set alpha alpha = np.zeros(cmap.N) alpha[:_20perc] = max_alpha alpha[-_20perc:] = max_alpha alpha[_20perc : midpoint - _10perc - 1] = np.linspace( max_alpha, 0, len(alpha[_20perc : midpoint - _10perc - 1]) ) alpha[midpoint + _10perc : -_20perc] = np.linspace( 0, max_alpha, len(alpha[midpoint + _10perc : -_20perc]) ) my_cmap[:, -1] = alpha return ListedColormap(my_cmap)