Source code for sdcflows.workflows.ancillary

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"""Estimate fieldmaps for :abbr:`SDC (susceptibility distortion correction)`."""
from nipype import logging
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from niworkflows.engine.workflows import LiterateWorkflow as Workflow

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("nipype.workflow")

[docs] def init_brainextraction_wf(name="brainextraction_wf"): """ Remove nonbrain tissue from images. Parameters ---------- name : :obj:`str`, optional Workflow name (default: ``"brainextraction_wf"``) Inputs ------ in_file : :obj:`str` the GRE magnitude or EPI reference to be brain-extracted bspline_dist : :obj:`int`, optional Integer to replace default distance of b-spline separation for N4 Outputs ------- out_file : :obj:`str` the input file after N4 and smart clipping out_brain : :obj:`str` the output file, just the brain extracted out_mask : :obj:`str` the calculated mask out_probseg : :obj:`str` a probability map that the random walker reached a given voxel (some sort of "soft" brainmask) """ from nipype.interfaces.ants import N4BiasFieldCorrection from niworkflows.interfaces.nibabel import IntensityClip from ..interfaces.brainmask import BrainExtraction wf = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=("in_file", "bspline_dist")), name="inputnode" ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=( "out_file", "out_brain", "out_mask", "out_probseg", ) ), name="outputnode", ) clipper_pre = pe.Node(IntensityClip(), name="clipper_pre") # de-gradient the fields ("bias/illumination artifact") n4 = pe.Node( N4BiasFieldCorrection( dimension=3, copy_header=True, n_iterations=[50] * 5, convergence_threshold=1e-7, shrink_factor=4, ), n_procs=8, name="n4", ) clipper_post = pe.Node(IntensityClip(p_min=0.01, p_max=99.9), name="clipper_post") masker = pe.Node(BrainExtraction(), name="masker") # fmt:off wf.connect([ (inputnode, clipper_pre, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (inputnode, n4, [("bspline_dist", "bspline_fitting_distance")]), (clipper_pre, n4, [("out_file", "input_image")]), (n4, clipper_post, [("output_image", "in_file")]), (clipper_post, masker, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (clipper_post, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_file")]), (masker, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_brain"), ("out_mask", "out_mask"), ("out_probseg", "out_probseg")]), ]) # fmt:on return wf