Source code for sdcflows.workflows.base

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"""Estimate fieldmaps for :abbr:`SDC (susceptibility distortion correction)`."""
from nipype import logging
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from niworkflows.engine.workflows import LiterateWorkflow as Workflow

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("nipype.workflow")

[docs] def init_fmap_preproc_wf( *, estimators, omp_nthreads, output_dir, subject, sloppy=False, debug=False, name="fmap_preproc_wf", ): """ Create and combine estimator workflows. Parameters ---------- estimators : :obj:`list` of :py:class:`~sdcflows.fieldmaps.FieldmapEstimator` A list of estimators. omp_nthreads : :obj:`int` Maximum number of threads an individual process may use output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives subject : :obj:`str` Participant label for this single-subject workflow. debug : :obj:`bool` Enable debugging outputs sloppy : :obj:`bool` Enable faster but less precise calculations name : :obj:`str`, optional Workflow name (default: ``"fmap_preproc_wf"``) Inputs ------ in_<B0FieldIdentifier>.<field> : The workflow generates inputs depending on the estimation strategy. Outputs ------- out_<B0FieldIdentifier>.fmap : The preprocessed fieldmap. out_<B0FieldIdentifier>.fmap_ref : The preprocessed fieldmap reference. out_<B0FieldIdentifier>.fmap_coeff : The preprocessed fieldmap coefficients. """ from import INPUT_FIELDS as _pepolar_fields from import INPUT_FIELDS as _syn_fields from sdcflows.workflows.outputs import init_fmap_derivatives_wf, init_fmap_reports_wf from sdcflows.fieldmaps import EstimatorType INPUT_FIELDS = { EstimatorType.ANAT: _syn_fields, EstimatorType.PEPOLAR: _pepolar_fields, } workflow = Workflow(name=name) out_fields = ("fmap", "fmap_coeff", "fmap_ref", "fmap_mask", "fmap_id", "method") out_merge = { f: pe.Node(niu.Merge(len(estimators)), name=f"out_merge_{f}") for f in out_fields } # Fieldmaps and coefficient files can come in pairs, ensure they are not flattened out_merge["fmap"].inputs.no_flatten = True out_merge["fmap_coeff"].inputs.no_flatten = True outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=out_fields), name="outputnode") workflow.connect( [ (mergenode, outputnode, [("out", field)]) for field, mergenode in out_merge.items() ] ) for n, estimator in enumerate(estimators, 1): est_wf = estimator.get_workflow( omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, debug=debug, sloppy=sloppy, ) source_files = [ str(f.path) for f in estimator.sources if f.suffix not in ("T1w", "T2w") ] out_map = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=out_fields), name=f"out_{estimator.bids_id}" ) out_map.inputs.fmap_id = estimator.bids_id fmap_derivatives_wf = init_fmap_derivatives_wf( output_dir=str(output_dir), write_coeff=True, bids_fmap_id=estimator.bids_id, name=f"fmap_derivatives_wf_{estimator.bids_id}", ) fmap_derivatives_wf.inputs.inputnode.source_files = source_files fmap_derivatives_wf.inputs.inputnode.fmap_meta = [ f.metadata for f in estimator.sources ] fmap_reports_wf = init_fmap_reports_wf( output_dir=str(output_dir), fmap_type=str(estimator.method).rpartition(".")[-1].lower(), bids_fmap_id=estimator.bids_id, name=f"fmap_reports_wf_{estimator.bids_id}", ) fmap_reports_wf.inputs.inputnode.source_files = source_files if estimator.method not in (EstimatorType.MAPPED, EstimatorType.PHASEDIFF): fields = INPUT_FIELDS[estimator.method] inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=fields), name=f"in_{estimator.bids_id}", ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, est_wf, [(f, f"inputnode.{f}") for f in fields]) ]) # fmt:on # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (est_wf, fmap_derivatives_wf, [ ("outputnode.fmap", "inputnode.fieldmap"), ("outputnode.fmap_ref", "inputnode.fmap_ref"), ("outputnode.fmap_coeff", "inputnode.fmap_coeff"), ]), (est_wf, fmap_reports_wf, [ ("outputnode.fmap", "inputnode.fieldmap"), ("outputnode.fmap_ref", "inputnode.fmap_ref"), ("outputnode.fmap_mask", "inputnode.fmap_mask"), ]), (est_wf, out_map, [ ("outputnode.fmap", "fmap"), ("outputnode.fmap_ref", "fmap_ref"), ("outputnode.fmap_coeff", "fmap_coeff"), ("outputnode.fmap_mask", "fmap_mask"), ("outputnode.method", "method") ]), ]) # fmt:on for field, mergenode in out_merge.items(): workflow.connect(out_map, field, mergenode, f"in{n}") return workflow