Source code for sdcflows.workflows.outputs

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"""Writing out outputs."""
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from niworkflows.interfaces.bids import DerivativesDataSink as _DDS
from niworkflows.interfaces.nibabel import MergeSeries

[docs] class DerivativesDataSink(_DDS): """Overload the ``out_path_base`` setting.""" out_path_base = "sdcflows"
del _DDS
[docs] def init_fmap_reports_wf( *, output_dir, fmap_type, bids_fmap_id=None, custom_entities=None, name="fmap_reports_wf", ): """ Set up a battery of datasinks to store reports in the right location. Parameters ---------- fmap_type : :obj:`str` The fieldmap estimator type. output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives bids_fmap_id : :obj:`str` Sets the ``B0FieldIdentifier`` metadata into the outputs. custom_entities : :obj:`dict` Define extra entities that will be written out in filenames. name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: ``"fmap_reports_wf"``) Inputs ------ source_files One or more fieldmap file(s) of the BIDS dataset that will serve for naming reference. fieldmap The preprocessed fieldmap, in its original space with Hz units. fmap_ref An anatomical reference (e.g., magnitude file) fmap_mask A brain mask in the fieldmap's space. """ from sdcflows.interfaces.reportlets import FieldmapReportlet from sdcflows.utils.misc import front as _pop custom_entities = custom_entities or {} if bids_fmap_id: custom_entities["fmapid"] = bids_fmap_id.replace("_", "") workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=["source_files", "fieldmap", "fmap_ref", "fmap_mask"] ), name="inputnode", ) fmap_rpt = pe.Node(FieldmapReportlet(), "fmap_rpt") fmap_rpt.interface._always_run = True ds_fmap_report = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=str(output_dir), datatype="figures", suffix="fieldmap", desc=fmap_type, dismiss_entities=("fmap",), allowed_entities=tuple(custom_entities.keys()), ), name="ds_fmap_report", ) for k, v in custom_entities.items(): setattr(ds_fmap_report.inputs, k, v) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, fmap_rpt, [(("fieldmap", _pop), "fieldmap"), ("fmap_ref", "reference"), ("fmap_mask", "mask")]), (fmap_rpt, ds_fmap_report, [("out_report", "in_file")]), (inputnode, ds_fmap_report, [("source_files", "source_file")]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
[docs] def init_fmap_derivatives_wf( *, output_dir, bids_fmap_id=None, custom_entities=None, name="fmap_derivatives_wf", write_coeff=False, ): """ Set up datasinks to store derivatives in the right location. Parameters ---------- output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives bids_fmap_id : :obj:`str` Sets the ``B0FieldIdentifier`` metadata into the outputs. custom_entities : :obj:`dict` Define extra entities that will be written out in filenames. name : :obj:`str` Workflow name (default: ``"fmap_derivatives_wf"``) write_coeff : :obj:`bool` Build the workflow path to map coefficients into target space. Inputs ------ source_files One or more fieldmap file(s) of the BIDS dataset that will serve for naming reference. fieldmap The preprocessed fieldmap, in its original space with Hz units. fmap_coeff Field coefficient(s) file(s) fmap_ref An anatomical reference (e.g., magnitude file) """ custom_entities = custom_entities or {} if bids_fmap_id: custom_entities["fmapid"] = bids_fmap_id.replace("_", "") workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=["source_files", "fieldmap", "fmap_coeff", "fmap_ref", "fmap_meta"] ), name="inputnode", ) merge_fmap = pe.Node(MergeSeries(), name="merge_fmap") ds_reference = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, compress=True, suffix="fieldmap", datatype="fmap", dismiss_entities=("fmap",), allowed_entities=tuple(custom_entities.keys()), ), name="ds_reference", ) ds_fieldmap = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, desc="preproc", suffix="fieldmap", datatype="fmap", compress=True, allowed_entities=tuple(custom_entities.keys()), ), name="ds_fieldmap", ) ds_fieldmap.inputs.Units = "Hz" if bids_fmap_id: ds_fieldmap.inputs.B0FieldIdentifier = bids_fmap_id for k, v in custom_entities.items(): setattr(ds_reference.inputs, k, v) setattr(ds_fieldmap.inputs, k, v) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, merge_fmap, [("fieldmap", "in_files")]), (inputnode, ds_reference, [("source_files", "source_file"), ("fmap_ref", "in_file"), (("source_files", _getsourcetype), "desc")]), (inputnode, ds_fieldmap, [("source_files", "source_file"), ("source_files", "RawSources")]), (merge_fmap, ds_fieldmap, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (ds_reference, ds_fieldmap, [ (("out_file", _getname), "AnatomicalReference"), ]), (inputnode, ds_fieldmap, [(("fmap_meta", _selectintent), "IntendedFor")]), ]) # fmt:on if not write_coeff: return workflow ds_coeff = pe.MapNode( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, suffix="fieldmap", datatype="fmap", compress=True, allowed_entities=tuple(custom_entities.keys()), ), name="ds_coeff", iterfield=("in_file", "desc"), ) gen_desc = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_gendesc), name="gen_desc") for k, v in custom_entities.items(): setattr(ds_coeff.inputs, k, v) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, ds_coeff, [("source_files", "source_file"), ("fmap_coeff", "in_file")]), (inputnode, gen_desc, [("fmap_coeff", "infiles")]), (gen_desc, ds_coeff, [("out", "desc")]), (ds_coeff, ds_fieldmap, [(("out_file", _getname), "AssociatedCoefficients")]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
def _gendesc(infiles): """ Generate a desc entity value. Examples -------- >>> _gendesc("f") 'coeff' >>> _gendesc(list("ab")) ['coeff0', 'coeff1'] """ if isinstance(infiles, (str, bytes)): infiles = [infiles] if len(infiles) == 1: return "coeff" return [f"coeff{i}" for i, _ in enumerate(infiles)] def _getname(infile): """ Get file names only. Examples -------- >>> _getname("drop/path/filename.txt") 'filename.txt' >>> _getname(["drop/path/filename.txt", "other/path/filename2.txt"]) ['filename.txt', 'filename2.txt'] """ from pathlib import Path if isinstance(infile, (list, tuple)): return [Path(f).name for f in infile] return Path(infile).name def _getsourcetype(infiles): """ Determine the type of fieldmap estimation strategy. Example ------- >>> _getsourcetype(["path/some_epi.nii.gz"]) 'epi' >>> _getsourcetype(["path/some_notepi.nii.gz"]) 'magnitude' """ from pathlib import Path fname = Path(infiles[0]).name return "epi" if fname.endswith(("_epi.nii.gz", "_epi.nii")) else "magnitude" def _selectintent(metadata): """ Extract the IntendedFor metadata. Example ------- >>> _selectintent({}) [] >>> _selectintent({"IntendedFor": "just/one/file.txt"}) ['just/one/file.txt'] >>> _selectintent({"IntendedFor": ["file2.txt", "file1.txt"]}) ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'] >>> _selectintent([{"IntendedFor": "just/one/file.txt"}] * 2) ['just/one/file.txt'] >>> _selectintent([ ... {"IntendedFor": "just/one/file.txt"}, ... {"IntendedFor": ["file2.txt", "file1.txt"]}, ... ]) ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'just/one/file.txt'] """ from bids.utils import listify return sorted( set([el for m in listify(metadata) for el in listify(m.get("IntendedFor", []))]) )